12 - Flaring My Senses

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*Sex scene I guess*

After the meeting, Isolabella drove back home.

Yes, she had a car of her own, and hell had its roads.

Isolabella exhaled, thinking of Abaddon as she drove through his territory. Right now, Dante should be at his place.

Changing her mind, she drove towards Abaddon's office which is now technically Dante's for the time being. Although it's not like she wanted to go and see Abaddon, she wanted to see Dante.

As she drove off, she played "Leaving Heaven". It was the only time she listened to songs like these because her family back in hell were not happy hearing their little girl listening to profanity and something that hit way close to her heart. But when she was in her car, alone, she rapped to her heart's content.

After a while, she reached the office and turned her car off. She pulled off her jacket to breathe a bit better. Hell itself burned anyone there, she was worried how Dante was holding up since he isn't a demon and all.

As she locked her car, she checked the handle a few times. It was just a button to be pressed that would lock the car, however, she always rechecked by turning the handle just to be safe.

She held her water bottle in hand along with her phone and keys and made her way up to his office.

As she passed by everyone in the building, no one stopped her, they knew who she was and that would be a death sentence from Abaddon and currently Dante too.

Once she reached his office, she hurriedly knocked on the door.

"Come in"

His deep and rough voice was full of authority, Isolabella felt herself shiver at his voice as she walked in.

He flared up her senses everytime he was around,

Dante looked up as his nose was hit with her scent.

His beautiful mate's scent.

His eyes slightly widened from the fact she had came by herself. He wondered if it was for him. He slowly got up from his chair, as he pushed the chair back, his muscles flexed underneath his shirt and the action had Isolabella start panting, she had to hold back before letting her kinks take over.

He stared at her with his deep of emotions yellow eyes, the strands of his dark hair covered his forehead and slightly his eyes, making them barely visible, he looked as dangerous as everyone made him out to be. The beautiful scar running down his eye was contributing well to that.

Isolabella blushed as she saw him lean his butt back on the table, his hands rested behind him on the table as he leaned back, and that bulged his biceps further.

For a bit, they just stayed silent. Isolabella was trying to work up the courage to talk as Dante watched her like a hawk. He enjoyed her presence and the way he was affecting her.

Men and women equally feared him, yet there was this little girl, triple less of his size, not trembling from his giant physique and intimidating expressions.

He adored her.

And at the moment, Isolabella felt things, she wanted to choose him right then and there, but the thought of breaking Abaddon's heart was horrible to her.

Holding her gaze, Dante slowly moved towards his mate, his body itched to pull her close and embrace her, but he knew that he needed to go at her pase.

He was a monster, he could get what he wants, but not when it comes to her.


Dante stared into her eyes intensly and slightly bent towards her level, compared to her, he was a giant, he was bound to make her nervous.

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