10 - Wet Dreams

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A few days had passed after the little 'incident' between Abaddon and Isolabella. Today, he was supposed to leave for Dante's pack. The Darcy pack.

Meanwhile, Dante was to take Abaddon's place and rule over the portion of hell that he ruled.

Lucifer, wearing some black jeans and white t-shirt painted with dark red, was making his way towards the three mates while he was cleaning his bloodied hands. He threw the handkerchief at a man's face as he sassily rolled his eyes, flipped his hair and left. The man smirked sneaking the handkerchief in his pockets. There was a whole fan club for lucifer and his torture weapons and the things he did after torturing.

Dante was growling lowly at Abaddon, and Abaddon being the devil he is, sneaked his arm around Isolabella and kissed her cheek, telling her he'd be gone for a week, but he'd make it up for her for leaving. Isolabella smiled at him widely. Their friendship didn't get ruined by being mates. It didn't change that for them and Isolabella was grateful for that. However, as he smirked at Dante, he started playing with Isolabella's hair, deepening Dante's growl.

While the two were glaring despite Isolabella's oblivity, Lucifer pulled Isolabella and smacked Abaddon's hand away. Earning a glare from him.

"shoo, 'Bella' will be showing Alpha Dante here his room"

Abaddon's glare deepened further, he wanted to hit his dad across the head for using the nickname exclusive to him and taking her away from him, but out of respect, he closed his eyes, replaying Isolabella's and his kiss to calm himself, and it worked, until Lucifer opened his mouth again.

"The room is Abaddon's, show him that one"

Abaddon's mouth hung open as he protested "But that's my room. He doesn't get to be so close to her-"

"He is covering for you like you cover for him. You'd be in his room, he'd be in your room. End of discussion".

Abaddon groaned. Then he looked at Isolabella. In the meantime, someone knocked on the door, signaling Abaddon needing to leave. But before he did, he pulled Isolabella close and kissed her hurriedly. Isolabella's eyes widened, but she shyly kissed him back.

That hurt Dante and Cerberus. Causing Cerberus to come out. His yellow eyes glowed as he pulled Isolabella to himself, burying his nose in her neck and hair, while he growled deeply


Abaddon was about to protest between the two mates, but Ammon being the oldest, pulled Isolabella away as he hid her behind his back. He was very protective over her. He loved her as his little baby sister.

"Alpha Dante, kindly refrain from harassing my sister."

Abaddon nodded his head eagerly, he could rest easy knowing Ammon was protective.

"Abaddon, don't touch her again. Or we will have a huge problem"

Abaddon made a 'what the fuck' expression. He didn't think he would be protective over her towards him too.

Isolabella held her brother's arm.

"Ammon, they are both my mates."

Hearing her small voice behind his back, he turned around and smiled gently at her,

"I know little lady. But as your big brother, as it is my duty, I can't control not protecting you"

With that, he patted her head, and she smiled up at her big brother.

After the bickering, the driver was ready to take Abaddon to his post where he was needed. With one last mischief in his mind, he bent down and quickly kissed Isolabella's lips, once he leaned back and smirked, her face was covered with surprise, but she loved it none the less as she blushed.

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