11 - Trouble In Paradise

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A pretty boy like Mammon.


Two days had passed and nothing significant happened in Isolabella's week. She went to the academy and Abaddon was always there first before his mate arrived, to his dismay, Dante was also always accompanying her. He kept a respectable distance until he would notice Abaddon, then he would get really close to her. And it seemed that Abaddon always took the bait. Dante also enjoyed touching his mate in the most innocent way.

And after classes, Abaddon would have to let his beloved go back to her home. He kept telling himself being at the Dercy pack was only for a week.

However, today, a meeting had been called. All of the children of Lucifer were required to be there along with Alpha Dante Darcy of the Darcy pack. He was after all the representative for the werewolf population. Gabriel the Archangel, Absalom the Vampire, Hearthstone the Elf, Blitzen the Dwarf, king Oberon and queen Titania of the Fairies were all too be present in the meeting.


Someone grunted outside her room. So she quickly opened her door, already recognizing that Mammon was on the other side waiting for her to be done.

His candy apple green eyes sparkled in discreet, his face however was set in a scowl. And he tried to scold his baby sister.

"Have you any idea how long I have been standing here, waiting for you to find something to wear?" he did a onceover and frowned for real this time.

"And you came up with this?"

Isolabella took a look at herself and shrugged, she had no idea what was so wrong with the elegant beige satin skirt she was wearing with her beige buttoned top and gray vest. She knew she sucked at styling, but this wasn't so bad, she thought to herself.

"That's all I had that was appropriate at this moment" she pouted while looking up at her big brother. He broke into a smile when he saw her lower lip quivering.

"I was messing with you. Don't go looking so pretty in front of these egoistic imbeciles."

Isolabella blushed at his words and whispered,

"Dante and Abaddon are already bad enough"

Mammon lowered himself to her height and grinned,

"What was that, Isolabella? Could you say that again for your big brother? I am so high up and you are so below, maybe you should've added an inch or two to your shoes"

Isolabella's mouth hung open at his words, sometimes out of nowhere, Mammon would act very mean as she liked to put it, towards her.

"I-I can't walk in heels, Megamind"

Mammon scrunched his nose up, the act made him dangerously adorable, but Isolabella doubted anyone had the nerves to think of him as adorable.

"Where did Megamind come from?"

Isolabella turned around and started going fast as she yelled,

"Your name reminds me of Megamind"

Mammon chuckled to himself as he easily caught up to her and sneaked am arm around her shoulder, crushing her to his side, not letting her escape as Isolabella struggled while giggling.


"We must come to an agreement, this war has been going on for far too long" Gabriel the Archangel announced to the hall full of men and women of power.

"That's what we're here for, you are a decade too late for announcing that, brother." Lucifer in his black suit and red buttoned shirt sat on a comfortable chair, arms and legs crosses as he smirked like the devil he was at the archangel.

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