16 - Family

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As Isolabella made her way out of Abaddon's room, she walked right into the kitchen, with something very questionable at the three mates sights.

Asmodeus was twerking pouring water over his butt with some song playing on the background, Dante, feeling awkward, cleared his throat to announce that there was a crowd gathering, so Asmodeus would stop.

But he didn't, so Isolabella just calmly started preparing food for her family.

"What the fuck are you doing, Asmodeus" Satanus walked in, fury burning in his eyes,

Asmodeus sassily snapped his fingers, "This is something going on in the human world, and I'm doing it."

Belphegor walking, cringing at the sight, "I've only seen girls do this, are you by any chance gay or something?"

Asmodeus smirked "I don't care, as long as it got cake, I would eat it"

Everyone gasped at his comment and thought, did he just come out or what. The only one that didn't know what he meant was Isolabella.

"You want me to bake you a cake, 'Deusy?" for some reason, the nickname always stuck with her, she loved giving all of her brothers nicknames.

"Oh I sure do honey, but that's not the type of cake I wanted."

Isolabella questioningly raised an eyebrow,

"Explain so I could make it for you."

"I'm talking about some juicy dick worthy ass so I could-"

"Annnd that's enough." Lucifer barged in, having enough of what his lustful child had to say. Of course, after all Asmodeus was the embodiment of lust.

Asmodeus rolled his eyes as he walked towards Isolabella and flung an aram around her shoulder, squeezing her to his chest for a few seconds, then letting her go.

It was his way of reassurance to what she was going through and Isolabella appreciated it. Her eyes slightly watered at the affection she was receiving.

"You good, sis?"

Belphegor rubbed a hand on her back as his concerned eyes searched hers.

Isolabella nodded offering a smile in return.

Satanus reached towards a piece of meat discreetly that had been prepared and ready to be served, but Isolabella always made it a rule that there was no trying out food before it is set on the table for everyone to eat. So, she swatted at his hand.

"What was that for?" Satanus almost sounded like he was whining to Isolabella. She let out a small chuckle, and Satanus curiously stared at her. He looked around to see everyone else busy. Lucifer was lecturing Asmodeus about what he should not be saying in front of his little sister and Dante and Abaddon were agreeing. Satanus leaned in giving Isolabella a little kiss on her cheek as he bashfully looked away, very visibly embarrassed.

"Don't ask why I did that, but I want to see you smile again. It pisses me off to see you like this."

He huffed as he didn't even wait for an answer, he just retreated and sat on the table, joining in on telling Asmodeus to stop being so reckless as Belphegor was busily staring at the food that was being prepared.

Isolabella's smile grew bigger, her chest had butterflies of happiness fluttering around.

After a while, the food was done and the table was set with all the boys helping. For some reason, even though Lucifer always offered to help, Isolabella would tell him that as the father, he should just sit back and enjoy because he works so hard for them, of course, the boys all disagreed, but they wanted their little sister do what she wanted.

Mammon and Beelzebub both strolled in the moment the smell of the delicious food hit their senses. Beelzebub licking his lips staring at the food as he sat down. Mammon on the other hand was clearly just as affected by the sight of all the food as everyone else, but he tried to fight it.

Everyone waited for Lucifer to fill his plate. But he just stared at his children with a smirk.

"Start already I'm starving." Belphegor groaned.

"On my left ass cheek and my right ball if you don't start right now I will break the rules and start myself" everyone glared at Asmodeus' direction, the previous lecture he was given hadn't even worked.

"Just take a bite, please" Beelzebub muttered.

Mammon irritatedly and pointedly stared at his father.

Abaddon scowled at his father as well, he was not in the mood for jokes.

Dante questionably looked at Lucifer, weirded out by the sudden torture he was implementing on everyone.

Satanus smirked as he looked at his father "You are also subjecting your precious daughter to this torture, father dearest."

Lucifer's smirk fell as he groaned. His red eyes falling on Isolabella. She smiled at him, but there was concern swirling in his red eyes that she wanted to address so she could reassure him, but she couldn't bring herself to do so.

Because the moment she admitted everything, she would breakdown in his arms. And she wasn't going to do that because she already had one.

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