Chapter 2. 1811 

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Olivia. "I am not a pig. I am very smart. I can count up to 20, I can read and write. I can..."
George slapped her across the face for the second time in one day, sending her falling backwards to the floor. He grabbed her by her hair, glaring at her viciously. "Keep your mouth shut you filthy little runt! You are never going to amount to anything! You are never going to be loved by anyone! You are going to die alone!"
Caroline grabbed Olivia from the man who was not her daughters father. "You keep your hands off of my child!"
George. "You take your child and leave my house! I never want to see either one of you again!"
Caroline turned her attention to Olivia. She kissed her daughters cheek and hugged her close. "Pack your things my dear, we are leaving tonight."
Olivia exhaled with relief, closing her eyes and snuggling against her mothers chest. At last, after four years of torture, four years of pain and yelling, they were finally free.
Caroline. "George, you do realize that you must provide some financial assistance to the two of us."
George stared at her. "Why must I do that? The two of you mean nothing to me. I don't need to assist you with anything."
Caroline glared at him. "Then I suggest you give me my dowery back."
George. "And what exactly does that entail?"
Caroline. "All of the jewelry that you were forced to give me upon our marriage four years ago. Or do you plan on keeping them for yourself?"
George rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, those disgusting pieces of jewelry that you claim have meaning to them. Well, you may have those back, they mean nothing to me. I wouldn't give any of those to Matilda. She deserves much more beautiful things."
Caroline. "Thank you."
George. "Pack your things and leave my house immediately. I don't want to see either one of you when morning arrives."
Caroline. "We are glad to leave Mr. Swanson."
Without another word, George turned and left the room. He was glad to be rid of Caroline and Olivia Radcliffe once and for all. He could finally focus on Matilda and give her exactly what she desired. A life of luxury.
Olivia looked at her mother. "What are you going to do with your pretty jewelry mama?"
Caroline smiled sadly. "I have to sell them darling, it's the only way we can make money. I will also have to find other means of making money for us to survive."
Olivia. "Can I help? Maybe I can give away some of my dresses to girls who don't have any pretty ones."
Caroline hugged her gently. "My darling girl, you have a heart of gold. Of course you can help."
Olivia smiled. "Then let's pack as soon as possible and leave, I don't want to be here anymore."
Caroline smiled. "I agree my love."
Once everything was packed and ready to go, Caroline and Olivia left Swanson Park. Climbing into the carriage that was waiting for them, they asked the driver to take them to their London cottage, which would be six minutes away from Chelsea. Settling back against the tufted seat, they smiled at each other and exchanged a tight squeeze. At last, they were no longer under the same roof as George and Matilda. From that point forward, it would just be the two of them, completely alone. They would be able to live happily without any more pain.
Six minutes later, the carriage arrived to a beautiful cottage composed of white marble and dusty blue trim along the windows and roof. The door was made of mahogany wood with a gold door knocker in the shape of a swan and a gold door knob to match. The cottage had belong to Caroline's husband, Gregory Radcliffe, who had died shortly after Olivia was born. However, the kind gentleman hadn't left his wife and child penniless.
Caroline smiled at the lovely cottage, memories of her marriage to Gregory flowing back to her. The two of them had encountered one another at the opera, and had fallen in love immediately. After a six month courtship, they became married and were expecting a Olivia by the following year. After an exquisite five year marriage, tragedy struck when Gregory became killed in a carriage accident.
Once the carriage came to a stop, Caroline gently lifted Olivia, who was fast asleep, into her arms. Stepping carefully out of the carriage with the drivers help, she carried her daughter up the three stone steps and into the cottage. She was going to make sure Olivia's life was filled with happiness and love. She was going to make sure her daughter had everything she wanted.
Once Olivia was put to bed, Caroline sat at her dressing table in her room, staring at the small black velvet box of jewelry in front of her. There wasn't much, one diamond necklace three diamond bracelets and one pair of diamond earrings. She could easily get 500 pounds for all of them, but that wouldn't be enough. Then she remembered the jewelry Gregory had given her, and her heart swelled with hope.
Reaching into the top drawer of her dressing table, Caroline pulled out another black velvet box, this one much bigger than the one George had given her. Removing the lid, she smiled brightly as she saw the enormous assortment of jewelry before her. There were several necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings, along with brooches and hair pins covered with gemstones. The gemstones glittered brilliantly beneath the fire light.
Combining the jewelry into one box, Caroline closed the lid before rising to her feet and going to her closet. Opening the closet doors, her blue eyes scanned her gowns that hung along one side of the small space. There weren't very many, about six in total. She could sell three of them.
Caroline sat down on the bed, burying her face into her hands and beginning to cry. She knew her life wouldn't be easy, but she would be damned if she allowed Olivia's life to be difficult. She wouldn't allow her daughter to live with any heartbreak. She was going to provide for herself and her child, one way or another.

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