Chapter 14. 1827 

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Charles felt his heart stop. Olivia was wanting to formally adopt James and Anna as her own children. His son and daughter would finally have a mother who loved and adored them.
Olivia placed her hand on top of his. "Is that all right?" Her voice was soft.
Charles smiled, tears cascading down his cheeks. Rising from his seat, he walked over to her seat and pulled her up into his arms. "Yes it is my love, it is perfectly all right. I am so thrilled that James and Anna are finally going to have a mother."
Olivia hugged him tightly, brushing her lips against his. "I'm so glad you're happy. And, on the subject of children, once we are married..."
Charles caressed her cheek, removing any hesitation. "You wish to have more with me."
Olivia nodded. "Yes. Is that all right? I would like James and Anna to at least have one brother and sister."
Charles smiled. "Of course, and I know they will in time."
Olivia exhaled with relief. "Thank you, I am glad we can agree on that."
Charles kissed her passionately. "I love you my sweet darling. I want you to have every happiness this world has to offer."
Olivia returned his kiss. "I want the same for you my dear. And for James and Anna."
They exchanged another sweet kiss before they returned to their afternoon tea. With the beautiful knowledge that they would be able to expand their family, they could finally move forward with wedding preparation's. They couldn't wait to become married and for their new lives to begin.
Three days later, on the morning of 30 December, Charles Olivia James and Anna walked into the London courthouse for the adoption. They couldn't wait to finally become a family. The entire ordeal would take approximately half an hour.
Because of his status and title, Charles had been able to receive a special license that sped up the adoption process. He was also able to procure a special signature by the queen. He was wanting his children to have a mother as soon as possible.
Entering the quart room, the family smiled at the presiding judge, Robert Finley. They said hello before taking their seats. They listened as Judge Finley spoke a few words and then had them sign the needed paperwork.
Robert smiled before rising from his seat and walking over to a wooden chest. "Master James, Miss Anna, I believe these are yours now." Opening the chest, he withdrew a pair of teddy bears, one brown with a dark green velvet ribbon and the other cream with a pink velvet ribbon.
James and Anna smiled radiantly as they reached for their new stuffed animals. Snuggling them close to their chests, they turned their attention to Olivia. Tears cascading down their cheeks, they rushed into her open arms and hugged her tightly. "Mama!"
Olivia was crying as she hugged her children close. "My darlings, my beautiful precious darlings."
Robert smiled. "Congratulations. I wish you all the best."
Charles smiled. "Thank you Judge Finley."
Moments later, the new family stepped out of the quart room and climbed back into their carriage. None of them could stop smiling. Sunlight cascaded along their silhouettes as they jostled in the carriage back toward Hastings Park.
Sitting beside her fiancé and children, Olivia felt completely at peace. Matilda was no longer in her life, and neither was George. She could finally be happy. There was only one thing left for her to do. Become the Duchess of Hastings.
Arriving back to the estate half an hour later, James and Anna squealed with delight before running upstairs to tell their nanny of the news that they had a mother. The Hastings household smiled at the children, relieved that they had two parents to love and adore them from now on. After congratulating Charles and Olivia, they returned to their work.
Charles took Olivia's hands once they were inside his bedroom. "Tell me, how does it feel to become a mother?"
Olivia smiled brightly. "It feels absolutely wonderful my dear. I've always wanted to become a mother, and now I am."
Charles smiled, kissing her sweetly. "Yes you are. There is only one more thing for you to become."
Olivia giggled. "And what is that your grace?"
Charles chuckled, bringing her tightly against him. "In one month, you are to become my wife."
Olivia placed her head against his chest. "I cannot wait for that day to arrive."
Charles caressed her back. "I cannot wait for that day either my love."
Exchanging a tender kiss, they made their way toward the cottage to tell Caroline of the news that she was a grandmother. They knew that, within a few short weeks, their lives would change forever.

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