Chapter 7. 1826 

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Once inside the school room, Olivia turned her attention to James and Anna. Smiling sweetly, she knelt down to their level and took their hands into hers. "Tell me what the two of you know and what you would like to learn."
James. "We both know our letters and numbers."
Anna. "And our shapes!"
Olivia smiled. "That's wonderful. What would you like to learn?"
James. "I'd like to learn geography and history!"
Olivia nodded. "All right, I can teach you geography and history. What about you Miss Anna?"
Anna. "I'd like to learn a new language and music!"
Olivia. "Very good. Is there anything you would both like to learn together?"
James and Anna exchanged a glance before turning their attention back to their new governess. "Reading and writing!"
Olivia smiled brightly. All of the subjects the children had mentioned would be quite easy to teach. "Wonderful! I will be able to teach you everything you would like to know."
James and Anna smiled with excitement. They couldn't wait to begin learning new things with Miss Radcliffe. They liked her very much already.
Olivia stood from the floor, walking over to the desk by the window. "To begin our lessons, why don't the two of you recite your ABCs and numbers for me?"
James and Anna nodded eagerly, beginning to recite their letters and numbers. They knew all of their letters by heart, and could count up to 20 without difficulty.
Olivia applauded with approval once they finished. "Well done! You are both very smart."
James. "Are you going to teach us more numbers?"
Olivia. "If you would like, of course. But, for the time being, why don't we work on geography and history for you master James, and music and French for you Miss Anna. And for the two of you, reading and writing."
James and Anna happily agreed before joining Olivia at the desk. They were anxious to begin learning their new subjects.
Olivia smiled at her newest pupils, loving their eagerness to learn. She knew, like their father, that they had the pointed ears and small stature of an elf, and would be receiving their fairy wings when they were a little older. She suddenly realized she had no idea how long she was going to be there governess. However, she wouldn't allow that to hinder her teaching. Clearing her throat, she turned her attention to James and Anna. "All right, let's begin shall we?"
Later that evening, once the children had gone back into the nursery with Mrs. Dunbar, Olivia made her way to Charles's office. She couldn't wait to tell him of the children's progress and their eagerness to absorb new material. She was also wanting to ask him how long she would be employed in his services.
Raising her fist, Olivia knocked on the large oak door three times. Once she was granted entrance, she opened the door and stepped inside. "Good evening your grace. I do hope I wasn't disturbing you."
Charles looked up from a stack of papers, smiling sweetly at her. "Not at all Miss Radcliffe. Please, have a seat. I do hope the children have taken to you well."
Olivia returned his smile before taking a seat across from him in a plush dark red velvet chair. "Oh they have your grace, and I have taken to them very easily. Your children are very bright and adventurous. They are quite eager to learn, which pleases me beyond words."
Charles smiled brightly. "I am pleased to hear that. They are very smart aren't they?"
Olivia. "Very smart, and extremely sweet."
Charles. "They certainly are. What subjects will you be teaching them?"
Olivia. "I will be teaching them both reading and writing, as well as their numbers. I will be teaching master James geography and history, and Miss Anna music and French."
Charles. "Excellent!"
Olivia. "I'm glad you are pleased your grace. Oh, and there was a matter of which I was wanting to ask you."
Charles put his pen down. "Yes?"
Olivia took a breath. "How long do you wish for me to be the children's governess?"
Charles. "However long you would like. Six months, one year, two years. It does not matter to me."
Olivia was pleasantly surprised by this news. She had expected him to tell her she could stay for three months only. She smiled softly. "Thank you your grace, that's very much appreciated. You are my first employer that has given me the choice of how long I would wish to stay in their employment."
Charles lean forward. "Your previous employers did not give you the choice?"
Olivia shook her head. "No they didn't. My previous employment's haven't been very successful. All of the children who I have attempted to teach weren't willing to learn very easily."
Charles shook his head. "That's awful. Children should be very eager and willing to learn new things."
Olivia. "Indeed, and that's why I adore your children. The moment I told them what subjects we would be learning, they became excited. Their excitement to learn pleases me very much. It will make the task of teaching them much more productive."
Charles leaned back in his chair. "It certainly will. However, I must ask, do you plan to keep my children indoors all day?"
Olivia giggled, shaking her head. "Of course not your grace. I plan to take the children on outings when the weather is lovely. If that's all right. These outings will not only be fun but educational as well."
Charles nodded, his eyes bright. "Of course that's all right. I want my children to be taken out into the world. They need the gentle embrace and voice of a mother."
Olivia. "Did the former Duchess of Hastings not give them any affection?"
Charles looked down at his desk, shaking his head. "Sadly she did not. Victoria was very adamant that, once she gave birth to my son and then my daughter, that she didn't want anything to do with them."
Olivia's eyes widened. "That's horrible. What made her decide such a terrible thing?"
Charles. "It turns out Victoria was only after my title and money. Once the children came into our lives, she refused to take care of them, giving them to Mrs. Dunbar instead. She only wanted to go to various balls and dinners, not even the opera."
Olivia shook her head. "It seems as if Victoria was only wanting to show off her title and status."

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