Chapter 10. 1826 

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Over the next six months, Olivia saw magnificent progress with James and Anna. The children learned very quickly, and were eager to learn more from her. They excelled in their individual subjects of desire, as well as their combined subjects of reading and writing. They also developed skills for mathematics.
Charles was very pleased with his children's progress of education, and was even more delighted when they told him what Olivia had taught them. He was very fond of Olivia, finding himself smiling whenever she walked into a room. He enjoyed spending time with her, not just at the dining table, but in the library and out in the gardens.
Olivia was growing very fond of Charles as well. She liked his attitude, his smile whenever he entered a room. His heart was pure, not 1 ounce of darkness hidden within. She enjoyed spending time with him quite a lot.
On a chilly evening toward the middle of October, Olivia was curled up in bed, going over a lesson plan for the children that would take place the following day. She was just perusing her notes for a French lesson that she would teach Anna, when the sound of thunder and rain caught her attention. Placing her book down onto the nightstand by the bed, she climbed out of the soft covers and walked over to the large window. Opening the curtains, her heart skipped a beat as she saw lightning flashing in the sky.
Olivia trembled, wrapping her arms around herself. She hated thunderstorms. They made her very uneasy. Hearing the sound of her bedroom door opening, she turned with a squeak, tripping over her feet and falling flat on her backside.
Charles was standing in the doorway, his dark gold eyes staring at her with concern. He was wearing a white knight shirt and matching trousers. "Are you all right? I didn't mean to startle you."
Olivia stared at the Duke for several moments before she found her voice. "Yes your grace I am all right." She jumped again as another clap of thunder echoed outside.
Charles walked into the room, closing the door behind him. "Do you not like thunderstorms?"
Olivia shook her head, slowly rising to her feet and sitting down on the chaise by the window. "I've never liked them. They terrify me."
Charles walked over to her, sitting down next to her and taking her hand. "I've never liked them much either."
Olivia smiled before trembling as a flash of lightning flew across the sky. Without even thinking, she buried her face into Charles's chest, her heart pounding. Seconds later, she felt his arms envelop her body, pulling her against him. Then she felt his wings flow around her like a cloak of protection.
Charles held her close, running his fingers through her dark red curls. "It's all right, you're safe with me."
Opening her eyes, Olivia caught sight of his magnificent wings. They glittered a brilliant dark gold and emerald. Reaching out, she gently stroked them. "Your wings are magnificent."
Charles smiled. "Thank you, and yours are beautiful."
Her eyes going wide, Olivia turned her head and noticed that her wings had unfurled from her back. She smiled softly as she watched them sparkle. "Thank you."
Charles. "When did you receive your wings?"
Olivia. "When I was nine years old. When did you receive yours?"
Charles. "I received mine when I was eight years old."
Olivia smiled, pulling away but keeping her hands intertwined with his. "James is not very far off from receiving his own wings."
Charles. "I know, another year or so. Anna has another three years before she receives hers."
Olivia. "Yes she does."
Their eyes remained locked in a magnetic gaze, their thoughts slipping away from the storm raging outside. They glanced down at their intertwine fingers before locking eyes again. There was no doubt to either of them that their feelings were very strong. But they couldn't act on those feelings. They needed to keep things professional.
Charles cleared his throat. "Would you like me to stay with you for the night?"
Olivia. "You don't need to, I believe I'll be fine." She gave a squeak as a loud clap of thunder boomed outside.
Charles caressed her cheek. "I believe I shall stay."
Olivia opened her mouth to protest, but soon found herself staring into those dark gold and emerald eyes. She realized that Charles was wanting to stay with her, willingly wanting to stay with her. She swallowed hard before nodding. "Please."
Exchanging a soft smile, they continued talking for another two hours before they rose from the chaise and climbed into Olivia's bed. Snuggling beneath the blanket, they could feel the heat blossoming between them. By this point, their wings had folded down along their back once again.
Olivia turned her head and smiled at Charles. "Thank you for staying with me this evening your grace."
Charles smiled back, squeezing her hand. "Of course Olivia, I didn't want to leave you alone while you were frightened."
Olivia. "Why do you not like thunderstorms?"
Charles took a breath. "They remind me of the day my father died."
Olivia. "Your father died during a thunderstorm?"
Charles nodded. "Yes he did. It was a very unexpected heart attack that took his life. I wasn't prepared to become a Duke, I was only 19 years old. But I knew I needed to uphold the Hastings family name."
Olivia. "That's awful. I can understand losing a father young. I lost mine during a thunderstorm as well. He tragically lost his life in a carriage accident."
Charles squeezed her hand. "I'm so sorry. That must have been very difficult for you and your mother."
Olivia. "It was, but we made our peace with it. We have each other now and that's what matters."
Charles. "Yes it does. I'm glad you have your mother."
Olivia looked at him. "Where is your mother?"
Charles bit his lip. "She died within three months of my father's passing. She was heartbroken."
Tears rolling down her cheeks, Olivia wrapped her arms around Charles and hugged him tightly. "Your grace, I am so sorry."
Charles hugged her back just as tightly. "It's all right, I've made my peace. I have wonderful staff and my children around me. And now I have you."
Olivia pulled away and smiled. "And I have you."
Exchanging one last tight squeeze, they closed their eyes and fell into the land of dreams. Little did they realize that their bond would only become stronger as time continued.

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