Chapter 16. 1828 

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Their lips came together for a sweet and delicious kiss, their arms going around one another. As the kiss grew passionate, their fingers began removing one another's clothing. Within moments, they were completely naked. They took a step back to examine one another.
Charles couldn't breathe as his eyes traveled across Olivia's magnificent body. He growled with pleasure, taking in her magnificent curves. "You are ravishing."
Olivia was doing her own explorations. Her eyes roamed across every rippling muscle that Charles possessed. "You are dashing."
Charles stepped forward and took her into his arms. His lips came down hard on hers, kissing her passionately and deeply. "Tonight, I make you mine."
Olivia returned his kiss, her eyes sparkling. "And I make you mine."
Their lips came careening together for another fiery kiss, their bodies falling onto the bed. Their arms and legs became intertwined as they stared at each other, they're breathing heavy and panting. This was it, the moment they would become united.
Charles caressed her cheek. "I love you."
Olivia caressed his shoulder. "I love you."
Charles positioned himself at her entrance. "I promise I will be gentle."
Olivia opened herself to him. "I trust you my love."
Their lips and bodies came together once more, passion and pleasure consuming them. Fire exploded through their hearts, their lips and fingers caressing each other's skin. There was no pain, only pleasure and delight.
Charles held Olivia tightly against him, feeling his body aching for her. His wings brushed against her wings, his lips finding her neck and kissing it softly. "My beautiful Olivia."
Olivia returned the same actions toward Charles, holding him tightly against her. She brushed her lips against his cheeks. "My sweet Charles."
They moved faster and faster, their bodies becoming slick with sweat. Moments later, they both gave a cry as they released together. Their hearts were pounding like wildfire as they held each other close, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. They exchanged soft and gentle kisses, neither one having anything to say. No words needed to be said at that moment.
Charles stroked her hair. "How do you feel my darling?"
Olivia smiled at him, her head resting against his chest. "I feel wonderful my dear. And you?"
Charles smiled back. "I feel as you do, absolutely exquisite."
Olivia. "Good, I'm glad."
Kissing once again, they became plunged into the delicious and exquisite act of lovemaking for the remainder of the night. At long last, they were husband and wife. No one, not Matilda or George, would come between them. Once they were satisfied, they fell asleep in one another's arms, dreaming of their bright and prosperous future.
Sunlight streamed in through the large window of their chamber, casting brilliant beams of gold along Charles and Olivia. Opening their eyes, they exchanged a sweet smile and a soft kiss. They held each other close, not saying a word for a moment and enjoying the peace and tranquility of the morning.
Olivia. "I feel as if I am in a dream, that I might wake up and all of this is going to be over."
Charles chuckled, caressing her back. "This is no dream my darling, I can assure you of that. You and I are husband and wife, and James and Anna are our children."
Olivia smiled. "Hopefully James and Anna will have a brother and sister to play with."
Charles. "All in good time my love. There is no rush."
Olivia. "I know."
Kissing tenderly, they became plunged into the beautiful act of lovemaking for the remainder of the morning. They knew they would have duties to take care of eventually. But, for the moment, all they desired was each other.
Charles. "We must get out of bed eventually my dear. We have the children to take care of. We can always come back later this evening."
Olivia giggled. "We are coming back this evening dearest. No one is disturbing us during our honeymoon."
Charles chuckled. "No one."
Climbing out of bed, they bathed, dressed, and stepped out of their bedroom. They knew more delicious pleasure was waiting for them once the day was finished.

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