Chapter 6. 1826 

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Olivia felt as if her body would burst. The gentleman before her was magnificent. He was 2 inches taller than she was, possessing chestnut brown curls and stunning dark gold eyes speckled with emerald. He had the same butterfly necklace that she did. His muscular frame was outlined in a cream button up shirt dark emerald waist coat cream cravat black trousers and black boots.
Olivia gave him a soft smile before dropping into a curtsy. "Yes I am your grace."
Charles smiled back, extending his hand to her. "Pleasure to meet you Miss Radcliffe. I am lord Charles Dalton, the Duke of Hastings."
Olivia. "Pleasure to meet you your grace. I am very grateful for this position. I promise that your children are going to be in the best of hands."
Charles smiled softly. "I have no doubt. You may meet them now if you'd like. Or you can meet them once you have settled in."
Olivia. "I should like to meet them now if that's all right."
Charles nodded. "Of course. Come with me to the nursery."
Olivia followed him up the massive staircase and toward the third door on the left side of a long hallway. Poking her head into the room, she smiled at the cream colored walls speckled with gold and turquoise. Her eyes brightened as she saw the two young children playing together in the center of the room with their nanny.
Charles cleared his throat, his eyes sparkling. "James, Anna, I'd like you to come and meet your governess. Her name is Miss Olivia Radcliffe. Miss Radcliffe, allow me to introduce my children, Lord James Dalton, the future Duke of Hastings, and Lady Anna Dalton."
Olivia felt her heart swell as she saw the young children look up and smile at her. James appeared to be six years old and Anna four years old. She walked over, kneeling in front of them and taking their hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. May I ask how old you are?"
James smiled brightly, his gold emerald eyes sparkling. "I am six years old!"
Olivia giggled. "You're a big boy master James. And how old are you Miss Anna?"
Anna gave her a sweet smile, her blue green eyes just as bright as her brothers. "I am five years old."
Olivia smiled. "My, you are a big girl."
The children's nanny, Mrs. Dunbar, smiled sweetly at Olivia. "They have been very anxious for your arrival Miss Radcliffe."
Olivia smiled, rising to her feet. "I have been anxious to come and begin working with them."
Charles. "You may begin working with them whenever you would like."
Olivia. "Might I begin working with them today your grace? I would simply like to see what they know."
Charles. "Of course. They are very smart for their age, I will inform you of that."
Olivia smiled. "I have no doubt. Come along master James and Miss Anna, we are going to begin some very fun lessons today."
Smiling brightly with excitement, James and Anna followed Olivia out of the nursery and into the school room. Their first lessons had officially begun, and they couldn't wait to see what their new governess had in store.
Watching his children leave with their new governess, Charles felt a sense of hope flow through him. Olivia was not only beautiful, but had a heart of gold. He had a feeling she was going to be quite different from the other governesses that had walked through the front door of Hastings Park.
Mrs. Dunbar. "I have a very good feeling about this new young lady your grace."
Charles. "I do too. The children adore her, and she adores them. They have bonded immediately."
Mrs. Dunbar. "They certainly have. I wonder what Miss Radcliffe is going to be teaching them. They are very bright after all, they can learn everything."
Charles. "Yes they can. From her response to my advertisement, she seems very bright and educated. I have no doubt she is going to teach my children well."
Mrs. Dunbar nodded before she turned and left the room.
Taking a breath, Charles felt his shoulders relax. At last, his children had a proper governess. A beautiful governess who he couldn't wait to know more about and get closer to.

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