Chapter 4. 1826 

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A governess is needed for the two young children of the Duke of Hastings. She must have more than three years experience, and be fluent in English, French, and music. She may either live with the family or be given a cottage of her own on the property. The hourly salary is 50 pounds.
Olivia felt as if her heart was going to burst right from her chest. Finally, after a month of not finding another governess position, she had one directly in front of her. And to the children of a duke.
Caroline looked up from her own newspaper. "Anything new dear?"
Olivia smiled brightly. "There is mama, a duke is needing a governess for his two young children."
Carolines eyes widened. "A Duke?"
Olivia nodded. "Yes. Not only that, but the hourly salary is 50 pounds."
Caroline gasped. "50 pounds? That is quite the salary. I remember when you only received 20 pounds, and that was from a gentleman of the gentry. Who was it again?"
Olivia grimaced. "Oh yes, Mr. William Delaney. He was absolutely terrible, and his children were disrespectful."
Caroline glanced at the advertisement. "I think you should respond to it my love, this could be the perfect opportunity for you."
Olivia. "I am going to respond to it mama. However, I don't want to leave you here in London."
Caroline squeezed her hand. "Don't be worried about me my dear, I'll be perfectly fine. Besides, the countryside is only an hour away from the city."
Olivia nodded. "I know mama, but I don't want you here alone. You can come live with me in the cottage on the property, I'm sure the Duke won't mind."
Caroline. "I would love that my dear. Besides, this house that we are living in is almost sold."
Olivia nodded solemnly. The small cottage that she and her mother had been occupying for the last five years was being sold to another family. It was vital that she find work again so that they could have enough money to purchase permanent lodging's. She took a breath. "I will respond to the advertisement this very moment and tell the Duke of our situation."
Caroline smiled, squeezing her shoulder. "I am very proud of you my love. Even during hard times, you never gave up. You have always been a very determined and driven young lady."
Olivia smiled. "I believe I took after you with that mama. I want you to be comfortable."
Caroline kissed her cheek before rising to her feet and stepping out of the breakfast room. She was very proud of her daughter, but was wanting her to find love and settle down. She was wanting to be a grandmother.
Taking a breath, Olivia picked up her pen and began to write a response to the advertisement. Once she was finished, she signed her name at the bottom and placed it into an envelope. Standing up from the table, she stepped outside and put the envelope into the basket with the page boy. She was hoping and praying that the Duke of Hastings would except her desires to become his children's governess. She needed the money, needed a better life. Not just for herself, but for her mother as well.
Turning away from the page boy, Olivia walked back into the house. A soft smile played across her lips, her heart filling with hope. A new life of happiness was just beginning.
Later that night, while she and her mother were enjoying their dinner, Olivia heard the sound of footsteps walking into the dining room. Turning her head, she noticed the page boy standing in the doorway, a letter in his hands. She smiled at him. "Good evening Thomas."
Thomas smiled. "Good evening Miss Radcliffe, this has come for you."
Olivia took the letter from him. "Thank you Thomas."
Thomas nodded before turning and leaving the room.
Caroline. "Is it from the Duke?"
Olivia opened the envelope, pulling out a single sheet of paper. Her heart skipped a few beats as she stared at the elegant masculine handwriting. "It is."
Caroline gasped. "What does he say?"
Olivia placed the letter on the table in between them so they could both read it.
Dear Miss Radcliffe,
I would like to interview you tomorrow afternoon for the position of governess. From your response to my advertisement, it seems you have quite the experience when it comes to teaching children. I would like to meet you, face-to-face, as well as introduce you to my children.
I look forward to meeting you tomorrow.
Lord Charles Dalton, the Duke of Hastings
Caroline. "Oh my dear, he desires to meet you tomorrow."
Olivia couldn't help but beam. "Can you believe it mama? Our lives are going to be changed forever because of this."
Caroline took her hand. "They certainly are my dear. However, during this time, I would like you to find love as well. I am not getting any younger, and I would love to have grandchildren."
Olivia smiled. "I know that mama. I believe my time for finding love is about to take place."
Caroline. "I believe it is as well."
Olivia felt as if her life had changed for the better. Once she met with Lord Charles Dalton the following day, everything would fall into place. Little did she realize, however, that her employer would be everything she could ever want in a love match.

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