Chapter 11. 1827 

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Hastings Park was glowing with beauty. A magnificent Christmas tree was placed in the parlor, another one of the same stature and elegance in the ballroom. Colorful ribbons and Christmas balls hung from every available space in the house. The multitude of fireplaces had been set a flame to keep the house warm.
Standing before her mirror, Olivia felt completely and utterly happy. She couldn't believe a year and six months had passed since she had taken up the position as James and Anna's governess. The children had made tremendous progress. They were eager to learn everything, and she was eager to teach them.
During that time, Olivia had also developed a very close bond with Charles. There were sparks flying between them, she was sure of that. However, neither one of them wanted to act on those feelings just yet. She was relieved that the Duke didn't treat her as her former employers did. Charles treated her with respect and dignity, allowing her to make her own choices.
Smiling at her reflection, Olivia was pleased at her appearance. For that evening's Christmas ball, she was wearing one of her many creations. The gown was composed of dusty pink velvet with off the shoulder sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. Small pink diamonds sparkled along the bodice. The back of the gown was composed of a corset, and her hair was fixed into an elegant chignon with braids cascading across the crown of her head.
Sliding into a pair of matching dusty pink velvet slippers, Olivia smiled. She couldn't believe she was attending a Christmas ball, at the home of the Duke of Hastings. She was anxious to impress him, and everyone in attendance. Sliding on a pair of cream silk gloves, she turned at the sound of her bedroom door opening.
Caroline stood in the doorway, wearing a lovely lavender gown with off the shoulder sleeves and a Square neckline. She smiled as she walked over to her daughter. "You look beautiful my dear."
Olivia smiled back. "Thank your mama, and you look lovely as well."
Caroline. "Thank you dear. I cannot believe how sweet those children are. Not to mention respectful. James helped me all the way up the stairs when I arrived. Anna made sure that my gown didn't get wrinkled as I held it up."
Olivia giggled. "They are wonderful children aren't they?"
Caroline. "They certainly are. Are you ready to go down?"
Olivia. "Almost, I just need a few more minutes. You may go if you would like, I believe the guests are beginning to arrive."
Caroline smiled and kissed her cheek. "Very well my love. I will take the children and see you in the ballroom." She turned and left the room.
Taking a deep breath, Olivia allowed her wings to unfurl from her back. She wasn't going to hide them anymore. Sliding her butterfly necklace around her neck, she was just examining her reflection for the last time, when she felt a gentle hand come to rest at the center of her back. Turning her head, she felt her heart give a jolt.
Charles was standing behind her, looking dashing in a three-piece black silk suit with a white button up shirt cravat and black boots. His necklace could be partially visible under his cravat. His wings were unfurled from his back as well. His dark gold and emerald eyes stared deep into hers. "You look beautiful Olivia."
Olivia felt her heart begin pounding like mad against her ribs. "Thank you your grace. You look very handsome."
Charles smiled, taking her gloved hand into his and brushing her knuckles with a soft kiss. "Thank you. Are you ready to go?"
Olivia nodded. "Yes."
Smiling, they made their way downstairs and into the ballroom. They welcomed the guests that had already arrived, and said hello to those who came moments later. There were a total of 100 guests in attendance, everyone dressed in their finest attire.
Once the final guest arrived for the evening, dinner was served. Everyone made their way into the dining room, according to peerage precedence. The dining room had a pair of long tables, each set with 50 chairs. Each place setting had a persons name written on an elegant name tag.
As Olivia enjoyed the delicious three-course dinner, and the fairy wine, she felt at peace. For the first time, she felt happy and loved by the people around her. She was no longer alone, realizing that everyone in the room was a fairy elf hybrid. She was able to laugh and smile without being judged.
Once dinner came to a close two hours later, the ladies retired to the drawing room while the men stayed at the table. Some servants took T coffee and cakes into the drawing room while others brought brandy and cigars to the dining room. Half an hour later, once everyone enjoyed their pleasant conversations, they came together with their respectable partners and walked into the ballroom to enjoy an evening of dancing.
Five hours into the ball, Charles pulled Olivia away from the dance floor. "I need to have a private word with you. It's important."
Olivia felt her heart drop, nervousness flooding her body. What was the important matter Charles had to discuss with her? "Of course your grace."
Sliding her hand through his elbow, Charles escorted Olivia out of the ballroom and onto the terrace. "Don't fret, it's nothing terrible. It's actually rather good."
Olivia exhaled with relief, and then gasped as she saw the beauty before her. The terrace was surrounded by glittering diamond light coming from the moon. A dazzling Archway of roses sprinkled with diamonds hung above their heads. "Charles, this is magnificent."
Charles smiled. "I'm glad you like it. I was wanting to make sure everything was perfect for this moment."
Olivia gazed deep into his eyes. "What is it you wish to tell me?"
Charles took her hands, squeezing them gently. "My darling Olivia, I love you. I have loved you since the moment we met one year ago. You have bewitched me, completely and maddeningly so. You have brought happiness into my life and into my children's lives. You make me feel complete."

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