Epilogue. 1831 

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Sunlight streamed in through every window of Hastings Park, casting brilliant beams of gold along every occupant that meandered through the majestic estate. It was a warm morning toward the middle of August, and everyone was waiting with bated breath for the news that the duchess had successfully and safely given birth. The news of whether she had a son or a daughter would be revealed within moments.
Pacing around their nursery, James and Anna couldn't wait to meet their brother or sister. They felt as if they had been waiting forever for this moment to arrive. They tried blocking out their mothers screams, their hearts breaking for her and wanting to take her pain away.
The knock on their nursery door caused James and Anna to stop and turn around to face whoever was on the other side. They relaxed slightly as they saw their father standing in the doorway. They stared at him expectantly.
Charles smiled. "Would the two of you like to meet your brother and sister?"
James. "We have a brother and a sister?"
Charles nodded. "Yes you do my boy."
Anna. "We really have two babies?"
Charles chuckled. "Yes my love."
James and Anna smiled with delight before following their father into the birthing chamber. Entering the room, they walked over to Olivia who was lying in bed, holding two bundles against her breasts.
Olivia smiled sweetly. "Hello my darlings. Come to meet your brother and sister?"
Anna. "Yes mama, we are so excited."
James. "What are their names?"
Charles. "Your mother and I were thinking of naming them Anthony Edward and Caroline Elizabeth. What do you think?"
James. "I like those names."
Anna. "I do too!"
Olivia smiled. "I'm glad you love those names."
James and Anna moved on either side of Olivia, smiling down at Anthony in Caroline. They couldn't believe they had a brother and sister to love protect and play with. They asked if they could hold their brother and sister, and were allowed to do so.
Watching their children interact with one another, Charles and Olivia felt nothing but happiness. They were a family of six, a very happy family at that. Their lives were forever complete.
Caroline adored her grandchildren, coming to see them whenever she pleased. She took care of them while Charles and Olivia had duties to attend to. She was thrilled to be living so close to her family.
Matilda and Jonathan became married and had four children of their own. They never bothered Charles and Olivia again. They spent their lives lavishly.
Love new no boundaries. It was a blazing fire that couldn't be extinguished. It brought a pair of broken hearts together for all eternity. And that was the most powerful love of all.

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