Chapter 8. 1826 

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Charles nodded. "That's exactly what she was doing. It was angering me beyond measure, so I asked for a divorce."
Olivia. "I'm glad you did, now you don't have to worry about her any longer. You can focus on your children."
Charles. "Exactly."
They became silent for several minutes, their thoughts on the same page when it came to James and Anna. They both wanted the children to be happy, educated. Every so often, their eyes met in a quick glance.
Charles cleared his throat, rising from his seat. "Dinner will be served within the hour. Would you like to join me?"
Olivia gasped, not expecting him to ask her such a question. "Your grace, I don't have anything suitable to wear."
Charles smiled. "I am sure that, with your magic, you will come up with a beautiful gown."
Feeling her heart fly with excitement and nervousness, Olivia stood up from her seat. "Then I will gladly join you for dinner."
Charles beamed. "Fantastic, I look forward to our dinner together."
They exchanged a soft smile before they turned and stepped out of the office. As they departed the room, their hands brushed gently. That night would be the beginning of a beautiful romance.
Entering her bedroom, Olivia walked toward her closet and opened the large double doors. To her relief, it was empty. Good, she thought. She could make her own clothing using her magic, as Charles suggested.
Taking a breath, Olivia closed her eyes and raised her hands. Waving her fingers, she felt her magic cascade through her body. Moments later, she opened her eyes and smiled with satisfaction at the multitude of beautiful gowns that had been created.
There were 18 gowns in total. The first group of six gowns were made of cotton, had a square neckline, and three-quarter sleeves. The second group of six gowns were made of silk, had scoopneck lines, and off the shoulder sleeves. The final group of six gowns were composed of velvet, had sweetheart necklines, and off the shoulder puff sleeves. The silk and velvet gowns had gloves of cream silk tucked into the neck lines.
Olivia smiled before snapping her fingers and creating extra detailing for the more formal ensembles. She created lace detailing along the neck lines for the silk gowns and gemstones for the velvet ones. Snapping her fingers once again, she created several pairs of shoes to go with each gown.
The knock at her bedroom door startled Olivia slightly. Turning her head, she noticed a young woman with dark brown hair and gold eyes smiling at her. "Hello."
The woman smiled sweetly. "Good evening Miss Radcliffe, my name is Rachel Hamilton. I will be your lady in waiting. I have come to help you prepare for dinner this evening."
Olivia smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you Rachel. Thank you for your assistance. I am not sure which gown to wear. I would like to make a good first impression on the Duke."
Rachel scanned the silk and velvet gowns that Olivia had created earlier. "Why not this dusty blue one?" She held up a dusty blue silk gown..
Olivia smiled brightly. "I think that's perfect."
Half an hour later, Olivia stood before the large full length mirror in her bedroom, smiling at her reflection. She looked elegant in the gown, her voluptuous curves accentuated perfectly. Her hair was fixed into a chignon, and her butterfly necklace glittered at her throat. Sliding into a pair of matching dusty blue silk slippers, she pulled on her gloves and turned to Rachel. "How do I look?"
Rachel. "You look lovely Miss Radcliffe. I do not believe his grace is going to be able to stop staring at you during dinner."
Olivia giggled, stepping out of the room. After checking on James and Anna, she made her way toward the grand marble staircase. She stopped at the landing, looking down and noticing Charles waiting for her. His three piece black silk suit white button up shirt cravat and black boots made him appear even more handsome than before.
Taking a breath, Olivia placed her hand carefully onto the banister and began to walk down the staircase toward the Duke. Her heart was pounding like butterfly wings. Her first night as the Hastings governess couldn't have begun any better.
Charles smiled, taking Olivia's hand as she descended the last step. "You look beautiful this evening."
Olivia smiled, blushing a soft pink. "Thank you."
Entering the dining room, they sat down at the left side of the large dining table. They sat across from each other, their eyes never leaving one another's faces. Moments later, they were each served a glass of gold liquid in crystal wine glasses.
Charles raised his glass. "A toast, to a bright future for the children."
Olivia lifted her glass, tapping it against his. "And to a bright future for the two of us your grace."
Clinking glasses, they each took a sip of the honey wine, a delicacy among fairy elf hybrids. It was a sweet and addicting wine found in the gardens of Kensington Palace. The delicious drink came from a honeysuckle plant, which was then crushed and mixed with grape molasses.
Olivia. "Thank you for inviting me to dinner with you."
Charles. "You're welcome. Thank you for coming and being willing to teach my children."
Olivia. "Of course your grace. I wouldn't dream of teaching anyone else."
They continued chattering away over a delicious three-course dinner. They enjoyed lobster for the appetizer, beef Ragu for the entrée, and a chocolate soufflé for dessert. Their conversations became fluid and easy, the discovery that they both shared a love of fine art, music, and poetry coming into the forefront.
Once dinner was finished, Charles rows from his seat, offering his hand to Olivia. "Care to join me for a walk in the garden?"
Olivia smiled, placing her hand into his. "I would love to your grace."
Exchanging a sweet smile, they walked out onto the courtyard and through the gate that led them to the Hastings Park Gardens. The moon was high, bathing them with brilliant diamond light. Crickets were chirping in the trees.
Olivia glanced around at the variety of breathtaking blossoms that surrounded them. "You have a beautiful garden."

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