Chapter 13. 1827 

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James and Anna squealed with happiness before throwing their arms around their father. After several hugs and kisses were exchanged, they rushed to Olivia and gave her the same treatment.
As Olivia cuddled her soon to be son and daughter, she felt her heart swell with love and peace. At last, she and her mother had a bright and prosperous future ahead of them. She had a family.
Three days after the proposal, Olivia and Caroline took a carriage ride to Bond Street. It was the day that Olivia would choose her wedding gown. Charles was taking care of James and Anna for the morning, so it gave her some time to go and choose the perfect one. She wasn't wanting anything elaborate or too simple. She desired gown that fit her perfectly.
Caroline. "I still cannot believe that you are going to become the Duchess of Hastings next year."
Olivia smiled. "I cannot believe it either mama. It seems like so long ago that I stepped into Hastings Park."
Caroline. "And now you get to become the mistress of that beautiful estate. And the wife and mother to that wonderful gentleman and those adorable children."
Olivia smiled. "Yes. And hopefully, I will give Charles more children."
Caroline. "I have no doubt that you will my love."
Once the carriage came to a stop in front of Freya's dress shop, Olivia and Caroline stepped out of the vehicle and walked inside. They were escorted to the back of the shop by one of Freya's shopkeepers. They were immediately met with several gowns that were placed strategically along every square inch of the room.
The shopkeeper, Tiffany, smiled at them. "Which one suits your fancy?"
Olivia carefully examined each gown, her eyes lingering on a few that she liked. Then her eyes landed on one in the corner, and her heart swelled. "I believe I like that one the best."
The gown was composed of cream silk with lace and pearls decorating the bodice and off the shoulder sleeves. The neckline was sweetheart and the back of the gown was composed of a corset. The train was 5 feet long.
Tiffany. "Oh yes, that one is very elegant."
Olivia turned and smiled at Caroline. "Do you like it mama?"
Caroline. "It's beautiful darling, it is going to look smashing on you."
Olivia smiled back before turning to Tiffany. "How long is that going to take to be made in my size?"
Tiffany. "No more than a week. Once I receive your measurements today, I will begin work on it. When is your wedding?"
Olivia. "It's 17 February."
Tiffany nodded. "I will have it finished before then."
Olivia smiled brightly. "Wonderful, thank you."
Once her measurements had been given, Olivia and Caroline said goodbye to Tiffany and stepped out of the shop. Finding their carriage a few steps away, they climbed inside and settled back against the tufted seat. Tapping on the carriage roof, they told the driver to take them back to Hastings Park.
Olivia. "I am so grateful we did not see Matilda. I have a feeling she is going to have a much more elaborate gown."
Caroline rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised if she did my dear. However, I don't care at this point. She is no longer going to bother you and that is what matters."
Olivia. "She certainly isn't going to bother me anymore. And, little does she realize that I am going to be a much higher status than she is."
Caroline giggled. "You certainly are my love."
They smiled at each other, knowing that their lives had completely changed. They would no longer be living in darkness. They could finally be happy and carefree.
Later that afternoon, Charles and Olivia took tea together in the drawing room. They couldn't stop smiling at each other, their knees brushing every so often. Their wings glittered beneath the sunlight streaming in through the window.
Charles took a sip from his tea cup. "How was your shopping spree? Successful?"
Olivia giggled. "Very successful my love. I found the perfect wedding gown."
Charles smiled brightly. "Did you? That's wonderful my love. Do I get a sneak peek?"
Olivia shook her head. "No you do not. It's not even finished being made yet. But even if it was, I wouldn't let you see it until the day of."
Charles pouted. "Oh very well, leave me in the dark."
Olivia giggled and playfully poked his cheek. "Don't fret, you are going to see it eventually. The weight will be worth it."
Charles smiled and took her hand. "I know. Are you sure you don't want the wedding to be moved to January instead?"
Olivia nodded. "I am sure my dear. I don't mind waiting another month to be your wife."
Charles smiled. "Then I don't mind waiting another month."
Olivia. "However, there is one thing I would like to do before our wedding."
Charles raised one eyebrow. "Oh? What is that?"
Olivia smiled softly, gazing deep into his eyes. "I would like to officially adopt James and Anna."

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