Chapter 3. 1811 

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April, May, June. Three months of peace. Three months of happiness. Three months of laughter.
Olivia was overjoyed to be away from George and Matilda, not wanting to be in their presence any longer. She wouldn't be teased for her appearance anymore. She wasn't exactly human, like George and Matilda were. She was special.
Olivia was a fairy elf hybrid. Caroline was a fairy and Gregory was an elf. She hadn't received her wings just yet, but knew it was only a matter of time before she did. She had her mothers dark red hair and vibrant blue eyes, along with her fathers pointed ears. She was a few inches shorter than a normal human.
One evening, Olivia and Caroline were snuggled up together in Caroline's bed, reading a bedtime story. They had always done this tradition before going off to sleep. It was there one moment of peace away from George and his terrible cruelty.
Once the book was finished, Caroline put it aside and smiled at her daughter. "My darling, I believe it's time I give you a very special gift."
Olivia. "What is it mama?"
Caroline snapped her fingers, and the top drawer of her dressing table opened. A small white box decorated with silver crystals appeared in the air, floating toward them. Catching the box, she smiled at her daughter. "It's time that you receive your wings."
Olivia's eyes widened as realization struck her. This box was the box her mother had told her about when she was younger, how a very beautiful necklace would be gifted to her shortly after her ninth birthday. She reached for the box with shaking fingers, taking it from her mother and placing it onto her lap.
Caroline smiled. "Open it my love."
Her heart pounding, Olivia carefully remove the lid of the box, her eyes going wide as she saw the necklace before her. The chain was composed of white gold, the butterfly consisting of pink and turquoise diamonds. They sparkled brilliantly beneath the moonlight, then began to glow.
Caroline picked up the necklace, placing it around Olivia's neck. "You are going to get your wings very soon."
Olivia ran her fingertips across the delicate butterfly pendant. "When? Tonight?"
Caroline giggled. "Possibly my dear. Or maybe tomorrow. Whatever you do, I know they are going to be beautiful."
Olivia smiled before kissing her mothers cheek and climbing out of bed. Caressing the necklace once again, she made her way to her bedroom and climbed into her own bed. Snuggling beneath the pink and turquoise coverlet, she closed her eyes and fell into the land of dreams.
The next morning, Olivia opened her eyes and immediately knew something was different. Sitting up carefully, she turned her head from side to side, gasping with shock as she saw the pair of wings on either side of her shoulders. Jumping out of bed, she rushed toward her tall mirror, staring at her reflection. A smile spread slowly across her face.
Olivia's appearance had changed drastically. Her hair was still dark red, but now possessed glittering strands of gold. Her eyes had become a vivid blue green. Her skin was a soft cream and pink.
Olivia's mouth dropped as she took in her wings. They were a dazzling dusty pink and turquoise, the same shade of colors as her necklace. They glittered with magical dust. She gave a tiny squeal of excitement.
Caroline stood in the doorway, watching her daughter with pride. Her gold and pink wings shimmered behind her. "You look magnificent sweetheart."
Olivia turned and smiled at her. "I love my wings mama! Look at my hair, it has gold in it! And my eyes have changed too!"
Caroline giggled, walking over and taking her daughter into her arms. "Your true appearance has finally come to light. You can embrace your powers, and I can help you control them as you get older."
Olivia. "Do you think there are others that look like us?"
Caroline nodded. "I have no doubt there are my dear. We just have to find them."
Olivia. "Can I still be a governess when I grow up?"
Caroline smiled. "You can be anything your heart desires my dear. I believe you can have a governess yourself, that way you can learn everything there is to know."
Olivia smiled brightly. "I would love to have a governess, that way I can learn properly."
Caroline. "That's my girl. For now, I believe it's time I teach you how to fly and use your magic."
Olivia smiled with excitement as she followed her mother out of her bedroom. At last, her true self had been revealed. It was only a matter of time before her magic was in full bloom. Her dream of becoming a governess was just within reach. She couldn't wait for her dreams to become a reality.

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