Chapter 15. 1828 

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On the morning of 17 February, Olivia was awakened by Caroline and her lady in waiting, Margaret. She couldn't stop smiling as she slid out of bed and went into the bathing chamber to freshen up. It was the day of her wedding, the day she would become the Duchess of Hastings.
Once she was finished bathing, Olivia was helped into a clean shift and then into her wedding gown. She looked and felt like a duchess as she stared at her reflection.
Margaret. "How would you like your hair your Grace?"
Olivia thought about that for a moment before she answered. "A side bun with curls please."
Margaret smiled before helping her sit down at her vanity and beginning her work. She curled and twisted Olivia's hair until it was fixed into the perfect side bun with curls along her left shoulder. She stepped back to examine her handiwork. "What do you think?"
Olivia smiled proudly. "It's beautiful Margaret, thank you."
Margaret. "I am so glad you love it. You look magnificent."
Olivia. "Thank you." rising to her feet, she was helped into her cream silk slippers and matching cream silk gloves.
Caroline. "Are you ready my dear?"
Olivia smiled at her mother. "I've been ready mama."
James. "You look beautiful mama. You look like a princess."
Olivia turned and smiled at James and Anna who were standing in the doorway. "Thank you my darlings, both of you look lovely as well."
James was wearing a three-piece black silk suit with a white button up shirt and black shoes. Anna was wearing a cream silk dress that went down to the knees with puffy sleeves and matching slippers. They had the important job of being the ringbearer and flower girl.
Olivia took a breath before picking up her bouquet of white roses. "All right, I believe we are ready now."
Charles stood at the altar of Westminster Abbey, wearing a three-piece black silk suit with a cream button up shirt matching cravat and black boots. His heart was pounding like butterfly wings against his ribs. He couldn't believe that today was the day he would finally have his Duchess.
Charles glanced quickly around the crowded chapel, noticing several guests sitting in the pews. The total number of guests for the wedding was 150 people. Taking a breath, he slowly relaxed.
A moment later, the doors to the chapel opened, and everyone stood up. They watched as the beautiful bride made her way down the aisle, followed by the flower girl and ringbearer. They watched as she made her way elegantly toward her future.
Charles felt tears well up in his eyes as he saw Olivia making her way toward him. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. Reaching out, he took her gloved hand into his. "You look lovely my darling."
Olivia smiled at him. "Thank you dearest, and you look very handsome."
They held each other's hands as they listened to the minister speak. They couldn't stop smiling and staring at each other. Their love was blossoming before the entire chapel.
The minister turned his attention from the audience to Charles and Olivia. He cleared his throat. "Do you, Charles Edward Anthony, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
Charles. "I do."
The minister turned his attention to Olivia. "Do you, Olivia Caroline Elizabeth, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Olivia. "I do."
Minister. "Then by the power vested in me by the Holy Spirit, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."
Charles and Olivia exchanged a sweet smile before kissing passionately. At last, they were married, the Duke and Duchess of Hastings. No one would come between them or their family again.
Charles. "I love you."
Olivia smiled. "I love you too."
Kissing once more, they turned and walked out of the chapel and toured the carriage that was waiting for them. The reception would be held at Hastings Park, out in the gardens and inside the ballroom. Climbing inside the carriage, they settled back against the tufted seat, James and Anna at their side.
Anna. "I am so happy mama."
Olivia smiled at her daughter. "I am very happy as well my love."
James. "We are never going to be alone again are we?"
Charles shook his head. "Certainly not my boy. We are a family forever."
James and Anna smiled before hugging their parents tightly. They couldn't wait for the next adventure to begin. They had a mother and a father to call their own for the remainder of their lives.
By midnight that same evening, once the final guest had left the celebration, Charles and Olivia made their way upstairs to their chamber. James and Anna had already been put to bed hours before, which gave the newlywed couple the perfect time to enjoy their wedding night. Arriving to their bedroom, they stepped inside and closed the door behind them.
Olivia gazed around her new bedroom, smiling as she saw the multitude of crystal vases filled with pink and cream roses, along with candles, placed around every inch of the room. She smiled at Charles. "This is beautiful my love. Quite romantic."
Charles smiled back. "I'm glad you love it my darling. I wanted only the best for my wife."
Olivia smiled. "And I want the best for my husband and my children."
Charles held her close. "On the discussion of children, why don't we begin our conception tonight?"
Olivia giggled. "I believe that is a wonderful idea."

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