Chapter 5. 1826 

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The following afternoon, Olivia was headed toward Hastings Park. The carriage she was nestled in was being pulled by a pair of white unicorns. To the naked human eye, the carriage seemed to be the same as a normal carriage. However, the vehicles that fairy elf hybrids used were a bit smaller than the ones humans occupied.
For that afternoon, Olivia was wearing a cream button up blouse with three-quarter sleeves and a dusty blue silk skirt. Cream boots completed her ensemble, and her hair was fixed into a chignon. Her pink and turquoise butterfly necklace caressed the center of her throat. A swirl of emotions cascaded through her. She was excited at the prospect of becoming a governess and making money for herself. At the same time, she was nervous at the idea of being in the home of a nobleman.
A few minutes later, the carriage came up to a magnificent country estate. The structure was composed of dusty gray marble with green trim along the windows and roof. The door was composed of mahogany wood and had a gold door knocker in the shape of a butterfly. There was a beautiful garden to the left and a horse stable to the right.
Olivia swallowed hard. This must be the home of the Duke of Hastings, she thought. She watched as the footman stepped out of the carriage and walked around to her side. He was a pure blood elf, but was very kind.
The footmen helped Olivia out of the carriage before grabbing her luggage from the back. "Here we are Miss Radcliffe."
Olivia smiled at him. "Thank you Francis."
Francis nodded. "You're welcome."
Turning away from her vehicle, Olivia picked up her brown leather suitcase, took a breath, and walked up the three stone steps to the front of the estate. Raising her fist, she knocked three times and waited for someone to open the door. Her heart was flying. This was it, the moment her life was going to change forever.
Moments later, the door opened and a gentleman dressed in the finest livery stood in the doorway. His silver eyes twinkled as he took her in. "Miss Radcliffe, please come in. We've been expecting you."
Feeling a sense of calm, Olivia followed the butler into the house. Looking around, she noticed that the walls and floor were composed of cream marble with accents of turquoise and gold. The massive circular spiral staircase was composed of turquoise steps and a gold banister.
The butler escorted Olivia to the parlor. "My name is Wilson. I will go and inform his Grace that you are here."
Olivia nodded, smiling sweetly. "Thank you Wilson."
Wilson turned and left the room. Making his way upstairs, he knocked on a large oak door that led into an office. Once he was granted entrance, he walked inside. "Your grace, Miss Olivia Radcliffe has arrived and is waiting for you in the parlor."
Lord Charles Dalton, the Duke of Hastings, was a very humble gentleman. At the age of 29, he was a very doting father to his two children, James and Anna. He was wanting nothing more than for his children to have a loving mother in their lives. He and his former Duchess, Victoria, had been married for seven years before they divorced.
Charles took a breath, closing his eyes and running his index finger along the dark gold and emerald butterfly shaped necklace at his throat. He was wanting a life of happiness and love, not just for himself but for his children. He was a fairy elf hybrid, his father being a fairy and his mother being an elf. He was longing to find the one person who he could share his life with.
Wilson cleared his throat. "Your grace?"
Charles turned his attention to his butler. "Yes Wilson?"
Wilson. "Miss Olivia Radcliffe has arrived and is waiting for you in the parlor."
Charles blinked, and then shook his head. "Oh yes, the new governess. Thank you."
Wilson nodded and left the room.
Rising from his desk, Charles made sure his attire was properly fixed before making his way to the parlor. He had no idea what this new woman was going to be like, much less how she was going to treat him and his children. He would soon find out that she was everything he could ever desire. And that made his blood simmer with scandal.
Taking a breath, Charles cleared his throat. "Good afternoon, you must be Miss Olivia Radcliffe."
The young woman standing in the parlor turned around, and Charles felt his heart give a jolt. She was magnificent. 2 inches shorter than he was, with dark red curls fixed into a chignon, vibrant blue green eyes, and a body that made his cock ache. What was more, she had the same pointed elf ears and butterfly shaped necklace that he did. She was a fairy elf hybrid, just like him.

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