4. Fish On

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The starks were in the castle, that was very clear. Although their house words didnt seem to be relevant this far south. Winter was never coming to the south.

Arya and Nymeria were running around causing chaos they were not the proper little southern ladies like Helanea was, even though Helaena was a little odd bird herself.

"How are things with Viserys?" Cregan questioned.

"I'm checking on Nymeria and Arya, they are sure to be up to trouble." Rieka countered.

"Yeah, yeah, I can handle the little monsters." Cregan assured. "He likes you, Rie."

"Of course he does, I'm a babe." Rieka agreed.

"And so modest." Cregan agreed.

"What do you want me to say? Im pleasantly surprised by viserys." Rieka agreed.

"That is something I like to hear. You seeing him again?"

"He wants to take me fishing." Rieka agreed stiffly.

"You? Fishing?" Cregan cackled out.

"Shut up!" Rieka countered. "I can fish."

"You are a hunter not a fisher."

Damn cregan for being right. Reiak tugged at her pole annoyed as she glanced to viserys.

"I'm a hunter not a fisher, our ponds were frozen." Rieka reminded viserys when her rod got stuck again. "YOu chose an activity I was going to fail at!" SHe decided.

"No, no, not at all but knowing you are not perfect," Viserys mused.

"I am too perfect." Rieka corrected.

"Why don't you try my rod right here?" Viserys suggested and Rieka put hers down. "Here we go. Now, take the rod in your right hand."

"Like this...?" Rieka asked as she adjusted her grip.

"Uh, no." Viserys countered he demonstrated on the air as if he was holding a pole and she readjusted again. "No.... Uh, you gotta hold it a little more, um... Up here, like this?" Rieka chuckled. She kept trying to copy him but it wasnt quite what he was doing. "Kinda, put the, turn your, oh, what the hell, here." He wrapped his arms around her his hand on top of hers.

"Oh, okay...." Viserys whispered feeling the closeness with her. "You don't mind?" he clarified.

"No, I don't mind." Rieka assured. Viserys smiled softly to himself. He was sweet. He was considerate and rieka liked his arms around her.

"Okay, right over this way. There you go."

"I didn't know fishing was a team sport." Rieka teased bumping her hips back into him.

"Me neither." Viserys admitted happily. "Okay, now, what we wanna do, get your line wet a little bit there. And back and forth. Now strip a little bit out at the same time." He helped her with the pole as he spoke. "You pick a spot in the water and drop it right there." Rieka did as instructed with a little laugh as it landed.

"Perfect aim." Viserys declared. "Now strip the line in as it goes down the river."

"All right." SHe agreed watching him.

"Strip it in, follow the line down with the tip of your rod, and... There we go." Viserys declared keeping his arms around her.

"Okay, I'm fishing." Rieka agreed.

"You are fishing." Viserys agreed feeling her relax into him.

"If only cregan could see me now. Prove his ass wrong!" Rieka declared but her smile fell.  "Uh-oh." Rieka whispered. "What's happening? ls it stuck? Oh, it's stuck again." Rieka deflated annoyed. "We dont have to tell my brother I failed." Viserys however chuckled. "It's not funny I was trying really hard to impress you!!" Rieka corrected.

"No. You did impress me Rieka. You just caught yourself a fish." Viserys corrected.

"Oh, really?" Rieka squealed. "Take that cregan. I caught something!" Rieka shouted to the clouds as if creganncould hear.

"Yes, you did."

"Ah." SHe squealed out.

"Okay, there you go. Reel it in." Viserys declared as Rieka grabbed it holding it up.

"I DID IT!" Rieka declared.

"You did it," Viserys agreed. "Okay your first catch, you got to kiss the fish, its tradition." Rieka stared at it flopping slippery in her hands. She gave it a quick kiss and viserys chuckled.

"I knew you were lying." Rieka decided. "But he is now my friend and we are not eating him." Rieka remarked. "Be free!" she dropped him and Viserys chuckled. "I didnt unhook him." Rieka grumbled.

"YOu caught him twice now!" Viserys laughed out, RIeka made him laugh so easily.

Rieka was wet and needed to get the taste of floppy fish from her lips. Viserys requested she wash down the taste with a drink in his chambers.

"Your grace!" Ser Harrold declared urgently. Viserys groaned annoyed as he pulled his gaze from Rieka.

"What?" Viserys snapped back.

"Its the queen, she- she's dead." Harrold answered. Viserys blinked back at him not comprehending what his most trusted knight had said. "It looks like an..." he hesitated to speak further in the presence of a lady. RIeka rose up.

"She was killed? Revenge you think?" Rieka offered.

"Yes, my lady." Harrold answered.

"Do your and her children know?" Rieka questioned. Viserys leaned back, he knew it was bad that he felt a sense of peace wash over him that he didnt have to make that decision himself. He knew the realms wanted her dead but he was going to exile her. He didnt want the death of his childrens mother on his hands. But he didnt want to let his eldest daughters killer go free.

"No." Harrold answered.

"The person responsible?" Rieka questioned.

"We are looking." Harrold agreed.

"You think they will move on the king?" Rieka questioned.

"We don't know, we have to be sure..."

"Put my brother on your guard temporarily," Rieka instructed turning to Viserys. "He is a fine knight, a good soldier. He will protect you until the culprit is found." Viserys didnt move, his eyes closed and he sunk back into the chair. RIeka moved to sit beside him. "I'm so sorry for your losses Viserys." Rieka whispered grabbing his hand. Viserys turned to her his eyes opening slowly.

"You are good at taking charge." Viserys remarked.

"I'm a twin." Rieka offered as though that explained everything. "I have been bossing my brother around since we were in our mothers womb." Viserys chuckled.

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now