15. Sleepless

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Rieka lay beside viserys and it was as if they were also an old married couple. He had his book in one hand and his tea in the other. Rieka snuggled into his side his book resting on her waist. Kissing the top of her head he turned the page. Riekas hand trailed over his stomach no six pack abs like the knights tried so hard for as they strut around like roosters.  He was firm but cozy. He made her feel safe. 

Rieka yawned out. 30 was kicking her butt. She gained three children and three grandchildren a husband and now her little sister seemed to be learning too flirt or maybe she always knew how to flirt. And arya was flirting with aegon. Her new son Aegon.

Viserys looked to a sleepy rieka and finished his tea and closed his book. She closed her eyes fisting her hand under his shirt running cold fingers along his warm skin.

"Night my heart." Viserys whispered leaning over and blowing out the candle.

"Night Vis." She whispered. "Love you." He ran his fingers through her hair.

"Love you." While rieka fell asleep fast she didn't stay asleep. She woke up tossing and turning. A hot flash came over her and she threw the covers off and moved to the water basin splashing water on her face and dragging her wet hands through her hair. Viserys shifted on the bed but didn't wake.

Rieka felt nauseous but nothing came up. She slipped on her robe and slippers and headed to the door. When at winterfell she wandered the halls often. She knew her childhood home inside out and blindfolded. The castle had so many coves that she didn't know yet.

"Your grace?" Criston questioned when the door opened.

"Oh hi..." rieka answered. "Don't worry about me I'm just-"

"Are you hurt? Is the king -" Criston questioned

"We are both fine. Viserys is sleeping."

"Might i assist you?"

"No. I just wanted to take a walk. Clear my head."

"I will join."

"No. I mean no thank you ser criston. I'm perfectly fine to wander on my own." Rieka assured.

"Umm. I think i should join you." Criston countered.

"Leave her be Cole." Cregan instructed coming down the hall. "Rie what are you doing up?"

"What are you doing up?" Rieka sassed.

"Rie what's wrong?"

"Nothing Just clearing my head." Rieka assured " Don't make a big deal about this. I woke up and wanted to get some fresh air-"

"Leave her be Cole." Cregan teased wrapping an arm around his twin. "You really okay?"

"Just- vis runs hot. I got hot-"

"Gross. I don't want to hear about-"

"It wasn't sex. He's a dragon. I'm a wolf. Hot and cold Cregan. Gods," she murmured "and i want to be alone!"

"Too bad."

They walked in silence for a bit before rieka stopped and collasped into cregan.

"What the hells womam!" cregan demanded as she went limp in his arms. "Get up. I will drop you." He warned at her smile.

"You wouldnt drop your queen i think thats treason." Rieka corrected.

"Get up!" He tried to put her back on her feet.

"Sorry. You wanted to join me and I wanted to be alone. This is what you get me very close in your personal space and you're going to just have to carry me." Rieka decided.

" you are a pain in the ass and I'm just worried about you." Cregan demanded. " I'm dropping you now." He hesitated. " on three... one... two..." she stayed limp against him. " two and a half.." cregan challenged "two and three quarters- rieka!"

" I have been perturbed you in a while." she remarked getting up. " had to remind you who's the boss here."

" you know what I'm going to bed if you get stolen in the night don't blame me." Cregan agreed marching off.

" I'm not going to get stolen in the night I'm not a child." Rieka corrected " I'm a warrior and a queen."

When viserys the next morning his beautiful wife was beside him and she was fast asleep. He wanted to get a maester to check on her. If she was sick, he wanted to be able to fix her before things progressed If she needed something he wanted to be able to help her to give her whatever she might need.

But when she finally rolled out of bed in the morning, she was bright eyed, and dancing around as she got ready. She was just tired he decided.

Rieka twirled over to him, wrapping her arms around him. She kissed him deeply making her way around the room to find her shoes.

" lovely day for a ride. Do you want to join me? We can race."

He was overthinking everything she was fine.

" I would love that."


"Are you sure this is a good idea I mean I know you are the queen and have gotten a big head and everything but a boy in Aryas chambers?" Cregan taked as rieka got ready

" I like them bonding."

" I'm worried they might be bonding a little too much." He Annunciated.

" nonsense she is still a child."

" do you remember us at that age?" Cregan countered.

"Leave the door open!" RIeka shouted back.

"Wow... real mature."

"Give them your trust and they give you their respect." Rieka held a straight face for about ten seconds before she laughed out. "I will sent Nya in there in a moment to bug them, keep it from getting to romantic."

"Good idea.''

"I know." Rieka agreed.

"Hey since we are talking- there is no good gateway into this. Can i stop being viserys babysitter?"


"He's fine but i can't-"

"Befriend him! He's my husband!" Rieka begged.

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now