25. Guts

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Castles Crumbling/ Helaena Targaryen out now!

The pits had a collection of eggs but Rieka was surprised to find a gift waiting for them at the caves edge.

"Hello beautiful, you are glowing."

"You must be Daemon." Rieka realized looking him over.

"I am." Daemon agreed. "I heard the good news, I have to say i'm hurt I wasnt invited to the wedding but..." He held out the egg. "It's the least I could do."

"Thank you." Rieka answered nodding to Aemond, he moved forward grabbing the egg.

"It's an egg from my personal clutch." Daemon went on.

"You lay eggs?" Rieka countered, cocking her head back at him.

Viserys told her of Daemon, he was nothing but trouble and she wanted this pregnancy to be trouble free.

Daemon chuckled looking her over. She took a step back. Her little protector moved closer to her. She adored her children. Loved how they looked out for her. It wasnt that rieka was afraid of daemon. No. She knew if he attacked- if he was the one to kill alicent that he shouldnt risk killing her in front of aemond. But he didnt look murderous right now.

"Your grace?" Criston called out.

"Ah Crispin. Welcome."

Cristons hand when instinctively to the hilt of his blade.

" no need for that. We are old friends here." Daemon corrected before looking at rieka. " and new friends I'm hoping."

" it's all right ser criston. My brother-in-law was just.... Getting acquainted with me. He even generously offered a dragon egg." Rieka agreed. But the in her eyes said stay close.

" my prince why don't you come to the castle I'm sure your brother would love to see you." Criston offered to get them out of the pits.

" but I'm quite content here." Daemon countered.

" my feet are absolutely killing me so thank you for the egg but I should be heading back. If you don't join us, I suppose I can send viserys to you." Rieka pondered.

" no need I decided I'm starving simply famished. I will join you.." daemon purred.

" thought you might change your mind." She agreed.

"Oh that one looks great!" Viserys declared putting a hand on aemonds shoulder. "You did great."

"I didnt find it... uncle daemon did." Aemomd corrected.

"Uncle..." viserys eyes moved to rieka and daemon. "Daemon." Viserys moved cautiously to rieka and daemon. He kissed riekas cheek before turning to daemon.


"What are you doing here?"

"I came to-" daemon chuckled. "The last time you were having a baby i stole an egg thought- well last time you were having a not hightower baby i stole your egg. Thought i would gift you an egg this time." Daemon offered.

"How generous." Viserys agreed. "Its good to see you brother."

"You too." Daemon waited for an invitation. He got none so he invited himself. "My return is cause for celebration dont you think?"

"Of course." Rieka agreed when Viserys hesitated

"Wonderful. Your wife had good instincts. Let the party begin!" Daemon instructed.

The party was tasteful if a little loud. Everyone wanted to tell daemon to settle down.

Some of the people had said they would see daemon on occasion, pacing the rocks and staring out at the sea. They were wrong. He would proclaim he left westeros and had not looked back since the murder of his niece.

But where did he go?

He wouldn't tell them. 

" it feels good to be back a nice warm welcome. Like I never left." Daemon declared clinking a glass of wine with his brother.

" but you are leaving right?" Viserys pondered. " not that I don't absolutely love that you were back because I do really honest I do."

" try and sound more convincing brother." Daemon urged.

" I thought I sounded rather convincing." Viserys teased. It wasn't that he didn't love his little brother he did. But trouble seemed to follow his little brother everywhere he went or rather the trouble was his little brother.

" I am glad to finally meet the infamous Daemon Targaryen." Rieka assured.

" I want to see your blade." Arya countered.

" my blade you say?" Daemon turned to arya

"The one made of valyrian steel!" Nymeria chimed in. Cregan wasn't impressed with the prince. They had a long time ago, and the attorney was a clean match, honorable. Until daemon made his appearance then it turned into a circus and a massacre.

"Oh this one..." daemon ran his fingers delicately over the hilt of his blade. He pulled it free, spinning it in his fingers. Arya reached for it but daemon snatch it out of her grasp.

" give it." She instructed holding out

" now now little wolf, I don't recall saying that you could have it." Daemon countered

" I didn't say you had to give it to me. I want to see it can't you let me see it or are you a possessive little manchild?" Arya sassed.

"Arya!" Rieka demanded. Aegon stared dreamily at her. Yes, that was his future wife. Cregan smirked. If he couldn't take daemon down a peg without getting a full reprimand from his twin was that his little sister had the guts to do it.

Daemon hesitated, looking over arya Stark. he spun the blade a few times in between his fingers before the steel and slowly pointing it towards her.

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now