13. Let You Go

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Getaway Car/ House of the dragon out now!
Who's afraid of little old me / HOTD out now!
The very first night/ Harwin strong / Avalon Targaryen

" I'm calling it now there is no eminent danger before us." Cregan decided

" you just wanna get out of babysitting duty." Arya challenged.

" that is only partly true. Honestly, I think that if we are right-" he gestured between them "that daemon is the culprit behind the murder of the queen then he isn't going to come and strike down his brother that would be too suspicious. I think it was a he at the moment situation."

" and if it wasn't his brother in the culprit is still large?"

" you really don't want me to have a life." Cregan murmured

" talk to the queen you know she's in charge." Nymeria called out.

" Oh, I think that's a wonderful idea!" Rieka agreed. " you can go with the boys." Arya hesitated She didn't want to seem like it was her idea She wanted to be her big sister a favor.

" I suppose I could take them with." Arya agreed begrudgingly.

" can I come to?" Rieka questioned

"No." Arya answered much too quickly. " you're a grown-up I don't want you to ruin it." she added.

" ruin what?" Rieka countered stubbornly, putting her hands on her hips

" in case, if things get a little rough in the woods."

" be nice to aegon." Rieka begged. " he's a sweet boy and he's been through a lot. He doesn't need you picking on him."

"Aye aye captain!" Arya saluted her.

Arya thought she would impress her new... nephews. They went on a hunt. Arya smirked her blade in hand. Aegon warned her he had won his first bout. Arya challenged that bouts were fake fights this was the real world. No one to give him a trophy when he caught their supper.

Viserys loved how well Arya and Nymeria got on with his children. How arya challenged aegon in the best ways.

Aegon handsome lad that he was of course fell for arya but arya didnt see herself falling- quite literally- to the ground.

He gently lifted her foot. "May I?" Arya felt a little breathless but nodded. He lifted her pant leg revealing her ankle- how scandalous-, her pant was dirtied from the journey, he lifted it until it was sitting just above her ankle.

Carefully taking her worn boot in his hand, he slowly pulled it off. Arya let out a hiss of pain, and he froze. She hated seeming so fragile. She wanted to be brave and tough and instead she ended up on her ass in the dirt.

"I'm sorry." He grimaced, pulling the shoe all the way off along with her sock to reveal the angry, harsh swelling that lay beneath. Arya grumbled. This was not impressing him like she had planned. This was humiliating His warm hands gripped her calf above her injury, and arya worried what he thought about her now that he knew she wasn't invincible.

"What happened?" Aemond shouted running towards them. "Oh no. Youre hurt. I will get Rieka!"

"No!" Arya countered.

"Can you move it?" This was a different man speaking to her, or rather the same man, just without his usual layer of cocky stud. He was worried about her. He was staring at her, waiting for her response, as she attempted to move her foot quickly before he saw too much behind her eyes.

"I can, but... it's painful." Arya admitted defeat.

"Good, it's not broken." Aemond agreed. "Im getting Rieka-"

It must have been aryas imagination, the way aegons hands seemed to linger on the lines of her ankle. But they weren't. The prince was trying to check her for injuries, and arya couldn't stop the shivers that his touch sent through her. After handing her the discarded shoe, he gripped aryas hand in his.

"Im fine help me up." Arya corrected.

Slowly, aegon brought her to her feet, and she favored her uninjured foot. She felt like a damsal for the first time in her life she needed a man to help her, and it was awful and yet some strange phenomena she didn't seem to mind because of Aegon. He made her feel safe. Which was strange.

Arya made the mistake of shifting her weight to the injured one out of habit and gasped, falling forward into his chest. Aegon held to her as Aemond ran off.

"Im getting rieka and you cant stop me!" Aemond countered. Arya stared back at aegon Gripping his shoulders in both hands balancing herself.

"Sorry," she squeaked. Who was she getting nervous for a boy? that was unheard of she didn't care about Aegon. Her brother was wrong. Her brain was wrong. She didnt care, and yet she was tongue tied and squeaking who had the south turned her into?

He cleared his throat once, twice, three times before putting a steady hand to one side of her hip.

"That's... all right." He assured slowly not wanting to let go. "Lean on me." Aegon added. "I got you. I wont let you fall."

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now