6. Rules & Requirements

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Dress / Gregor Clegane / Davina Targaryen out now!

"What would think about marrying me lady Rieka?" Viserys questioned boldly. Rieka stared back at him, she knew it was coming but she didnt think he would phrase it as a question but more a demand, an order. That she would be his wife, she liked him all the more for it.


"Thats never good." Viserys mused trying to hide his own insecurity.

"Its just that I have a few rules when it comes to suitors." Rieka remarked honestly.

"Alright." Viserys agreed slowly

"Men cant have hair longer than my own. Thats really a deal breaker." Rieka informed him honestly. She reached out and touched his very long silver hair.

"I never really liked it long. It was just tradition." Viserys admitted. "I could cut it."

"Okay." Rieka agreed softly. She didnt expect him to want to change, he was the king after all but Winterfell was so far away they never really dealt with the kings and queens, they were basically their own separate realm. They didnt listen to the castle's decrees or rules and no one was there to enforce them besides the Starks, the Boltons the main houses of the north and so say northerns were stubborn was an understatement. Following northern mens decrees, that was more an optional theory for the north.

"Any other speculations?" Viserys questioned.

"You like dogs?"

"I have never had a dog." Viserys admitted.

"We will need to fix that." RIeka assured.

"Are you saying yes?" viserys questioned.

"I am saying lets get you a haircut and find you a dog." Rieka corrected. Viserys laughed out.

"And then?"

"I'm sure I will think of a few more deal breakers in the meantime." Rieka answered bluntly.

"Then lets get me a haircut and find me a dog quickly." Viserys agreed.

"Are you sure your grace?"

"Rieka had a few requests and they were both reasonable." Viserys remarked honestly. He hadnt done this before, flirting and dating and marriage. He had been matched with Aemma and then he was set up for his second marriage, he picked Rieka, he picked her himself and if she had some rules then he could at least try, she seemed a smart and reasonable girl. "I could use a change after all."

"How short?"

"Cut it all off." Viserys answered.


"Just... shorter." their barber did a snip and viserys said shorter again, and again.

"Once its gone you can't undo it." their barber reminded him.

"I'm forward, I dont want to undo anything anymore." Viserys corrected. Once done Viserys stared back at his reflection in the mirror. He hadnt had hair this short since he was a teenager. "Look at Rieka making me young again." Viserys chuckled.

Viserys went to find Rieka and she honestly didnt think he would do it. But he looked good, really good.

"You see the silver hair, long like that made you look like an old man, which you are not." RIeka assured him. Viserys chuckled, he liked how her nails scratched along his scalp as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"What do you think?" Viserys questioned enjoying her hands on him.

"You look good. You know what would make you look even better?" RIeka questioned letting her hand fall to her side.

"What?" Viserys questioned.

"A dog." Viserys chuckled.

"I should have known better." Viserys agreed.

So they went perusing for a dog. She was sure there were many strays wandering around, but most of them would most likely bite or growl at the king and she didn't want him to be scared. Not that she thought the king was a scaredy-cat just that he might be since he's never had a dog before.

Rieka had wolves so a dog was going to be easy.

"I found a few." Arya remarked.

"I found that big one," Nymeria said proudly.

"THats not a dog, Nya."  

"Sure it is." Nymeria agreed. "I found him in the woods, he's kind of ugly but I like him."

"Not a dog." Rieka countered.

"Cregan did you see the new dog I found for Viserys?" Nymeria questioned already laughing. "I brought him home from the woods."

"I think we should take him back to the woods." Cregan agreed. Arya bust out laughing.

"Thats a baby bear." Viserys remarked.

"He's really cuddly," Nymeria countered. "He's like a dog is what I meant to say."

"He is not like a dog he is a bear." RIeka countered.

"I thought you wanted a pet for the king?" Nymeria questioned, arya doubled over laughing.

"This is going great." Rieka decided looking to Viserys.

"I know he's a bear but he is a little bear so he's like a dog!" Nymeria declared. "He came with me when I offered him food too! I'm going to train him."

"He's a little aggressive." Cregan countered.

"He's my cuddy buddy." Nymeria corrected.

"Cregan- please help Nymeria return her new friend." Rieka suggested. "I'm sorry sweetie but this bear is probably looking for its mama."

"YOu might be right but he was all alone and I just wanted to help." Nymeria remarked.

"You did honey, but you could have gotten hurt." Rieka reminded her tucking her hair behind her ear. "Go with Cregan and keep him safe."

"You are good with them." Viserys remarked as Arya moved forward with her selection of strays.

"I basically raised them." Rieka remarked. That was a good, viseyrs needed a woman that was good with children and could help him raise the three he had left. Keep them alive.

Viserys vetoed the two that were bigger and growled at them. Viserys knelt beside Rieka as a smaller pup came up to her, licking her hand.

"This one is sweet, good job Arya." Rieka remarked. She gave a bow.

"I unlike Nya understood the assignment." Arya agreed.

"I think he likes me." Viserys remarked as the dog put his paws on Viserys thighs.

"Lets bring him in give him a bath." Rieka suggested.

Rieka found viserys on the couch laughing as their new dog jumped up laying on his stomach. The dog shook off his wet fur and viserys smiled seeing Rieka.

"This was a good idea." Viserys admitted. "I think I'm a dog person now."

"He loves you !" Rieka declared happily

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"He loves you !" Rieka declared happily.

" I like him." Viserys agreed. He had rode his dragon three times around in Kings Landing and that was it. He was a big beast. He was an old beast as well. But this little dog, so easily sound comfort on top of viserys. He felt like a new man, new hair, a new pet, no wife, but a woman he wanted a woman that was clearly going to make his life better.

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now