11. Vengence

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"When did the capital become so filled with wild animals?" Otto pondered. Not only had they acquired Rupert, the dog, but now they had Bart a gray cat that loved to purr and snuggle up in everyone's lap. he chased around the kitchen staff when they had food begging for cream and stray pieces of meat that they wanted to offer him even though he was a chunky baby baby and certainly not underfed

Right now he sat in helaenas lap. She loved her new cat. She loved her new mother too. She was confused before about what mothers were supposed to be like, but having rieka as a mother was rewarding. Not only in the sense that she was rewarded with a cat something she didn't know she wanted into the little gray cat jumped up in her lap and started purring. She gave him all the scratches from his head down to his tail he purred and purred endlessly. Helaena felt like she had a true friend in Bart.

" Bartholomew." Bart. Bartholomew because he mew'd for food when rieka found him outside the castle walls.

" he is loving all those snuggles." Rieka decided as he kneaded his paws into helaenas thighs.

" he looks like he should be making bread in the kitchen how much he's kneading me." Helaena laughed out. Yes, the three Targaryen children all had dragons. But dragons couldn't snuggle with you in bed dragons didn't give you kisses. Dragons were more like horses they stayed outside you trained them and exercise them but they weren't some thing that one necessarily bonded with so completely.

Rieka had always loved animals. so when her new daughter asked for a pet of her own rieka made it her mission the perfect pet for helaena.

Aegon was less interested in animals and more interested in his aunt. He was still completely smitten with arya.

From the looks of the brothers, and how they acted how they trained rieka honestly thought that her little sister would be more interested in aemond. But aegon was persistent and he seemed to be wear arya down.

"Stop staring at me like I grew a second head." Arya snapped

"You are wearing a dress," rieka countered

"Its like you grew three heads." Cregan agreed

"And i hate it. Can we get over it?" Arya demanded.

"Why are you wearing a dress?" Nymeria agreed.

"You refused for my wedding and yet-"

"Shut up." Arya corrected marching off.  She stopped before aegon his eyes going wide.

"Wow you look-"

"I will punch you." Arya warned as she stopped in front of Aegon.

"Gorgeous... not gorgeous? Why are you looking at me like that?" Aegon countered. Arya promptly punched him in the shoulder. "Ow!" Arya smiled before turning and heading back to her siblings.

"Would you stop beating up Aegon!" Rieka demanded. "He is my son now-"

"Arya has a crush!" Cregan realized.

"Shut up!" She demanded "i do not!"

"Oh my Gods you are right!" Rieka agreed.

"Rieka..." aemond whispered coming up behind them.

Although it hadn't been that long since she had met the king and his children, not so long since she had become queen herself, she had hoped that her relationship with her youngest son would have improved a little bit by now

Helaena and aegon both adored rieka. Aemond however was a bit more hesitant. He liked rieka She was sweet to him and kind and he liked that. She took care of his siblings treated them right.

But unlike his siblings, he was the only one that really had a relationship with his mother... so he was less eager to replace her

" I was wondering if I could take you on a ride." Aemond admitted. he knew he had to put more of an effort because she was trying so desperately to get to know him be a part of his life

" a ride on a horse?"

" on my dragon." he corrected, even though she already knew he meant his dragon. But from the north, they didn't have dragons they didn't talk about dragons. Certainly never thought of the possibility actually flying a dragon to be a real thing here and a mother to three dragons... Six dragons if you think about it, three human and three normal deadly, scaled and fanged and winged dragons...

"Oh yes, that would be absolutely..." terrifying came to mind, but also exhilarating " I would love that." Rieka agreed.

" I will meet you in the pits?" Aemond suggested

" I will be right there!" Rieka agreed, and waved as he walked off

" if he brings you up there to kill you I just want you to know..." cregan hesitated.

"Know what?" Rieka demanded.

" I was gonna say something sweet, but i changed my mind." he admitted. Rieka gave him a shove. 

" why don't you do us both a favor and keep an eye on arya and aegon ." Rieka suggested.

" I'm sort of supposed to be guarding your husband at the moment." Cregan countered

" supposed to be?"

" sort of." he shrugged.

" and yet here you are with me instead?"

" yeah, you got it."

"Go!" Rieka demanded, giving him a harder shove towards the castle.

" I still can't believe you offered up my services to your husband-"

" technically, we weren't married yet when I offered up your services, I don't even think we weren't engaged. I just know what a wonderful little soldier you are cregan."

" do you think whoever killed the queen is going to be caught?"

" I think it's been too long since that day for any evidence or witnesses to be brought to light. But I'd rather be safe than sorry in case..."

" you were going to be just fine."

" I know that I'm not worried about myself." she assured him. " I'm worried about the children. Whoever killed alicent might have been a major supporter of Rhaenyra. What if they want her children dead? They are My children now too."

" we won't let anything happen to them. Don't you think if they would've done something they would've done it by now. They would've made an attempt at the very least?" Cregan whispered.

" you see you're thinking like a logical, rational human being, but someone brazen enough to kill the queen isn't thinking logically they're thinking with vengeance in mind."

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now