30. Undo It

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"Im sorry your grace but the baby is in breech."

Viserys knew what this meant and yet his brain malfunctioned. He blinked back at the maester as rieka cried out in pain.

"We are trying to adjust the babe but its..."

Viserys ears rang as he tried to focus on rieka. He held her hand, silent tears falling down his face. He wouldnt lose rieka.

"Your grace?"

"Save my wife. Do everything you can to save her." Viserys commanded.

"Vis," rieka easped through the pain. "It wont work."

"What wont my heart?"

"The baby.... Breech is... its not good." Rieka reminded him.

"This is going to hurt your grace." They warned rieka.

"I know what breech is. I made the wrong choice last time. I wont this time. They will save you." Viserys assured kissing her salty sweat soaked skin. Rieka groaned as they tried to pry the babe free. She grabbed tighter to viserys hands.

"Viserys, what if they cant?" She whimpered as they repositioned her legs.

"You will live. You have to. I cant live in a world without you, Rieka."

"I love you so much viserys."

"I love you. So keep fighting." Viserys begged. Rieka nodded as tears streamed down her cheeks.  It felt like an eternity of agony before rieka felt completely at peace.

The maester spoke so hesitantly as a baby cried out and riekas eyes fluttered closed.

"Its... a girl... your grace."

"Rieka... Rieka?" Viserys begged. "Rieka."

The bells tolled five times.

Once for Helaena and the mother she always wanted. A mother that loved her for who she was. Helaena stood in her most vibrant butterfly dress.

Once for Aemond and the mother that understood him and encouraged him at everything he tried. Aemond wore a grey blue in honor of his mothers Stark heritage.

Once for aegon who cried the hardest as Arya sobbed into him. He loved his mother. She was gentle and encouraging and never raised a hand at him. She helped him and guided him and through Rieka, Aegon met the love of his life, Arya.

Once for the baby, the little girl that Viserys had decided would be queen one day. They named her Rose after her mother Rieka Rose Stark.

Once for Viserys, the king. The man that lost three wives now. The man that lost the love of his life and would never marry again. His heart couldnt handle it. He would never find another woman as magnificent as Rieka. A woman that stole his heart and fit perfectly into his family. Their family.

Cregan couldnt watch as his sister was set aflame on a bed of ice. Nymeria cried into her father, rickards face was stoney if he started crying he would never stop. It was like his wife all over again. He wasn't supposed to outlive his children. Rieka had so much life to live.

Staring down at the flames viserys legs gave out and he crumbled to his knees. He wished more than anything he could just undo it.

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now