14. Hurt

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Viserys poured rieka a drink as they waited for the kids to return. Rieka smiled watching the liquid fill her glass.

"Im glad arya suggested a hunt. She will give my boys a challenge." Viserys decided "our boys." He corrected.

"I don't know if I ever earned that title just yet

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"I don't know if I ever earned that title just yet. I'm hoping one day. But I'm a patient woman." Rieka assured. There was a knock at the door and rieka put her glass down untouched.

"Prince Aemond your grace-" aemond pushed past

" father, Rieka- arya is hurt!"

"What!" Rieka demanded standing up. "Whay happened?"

"I dont know. She fell. Shes hurt. Her ankle-" aemond rambled as Nymeria came running in barreling onto him.

"Arya said aemond is over reacting and she is perfectly fine!" Nymeria corrected

"Thats not true." Aemond corrected "I saw her ankle." He added turning to rieka.

"She was prancing back-"

"How much did she pay you to lie?" Rieka countered.

"Ummm funny story." Nymeria chuckled awkwardly.

"Where is trouble?" Rieka questioned moving to the kids "thank you for telling me the truth Aemond." She added touching his cheek. "Nymeria," rieka sassed.

"Sorry." She shrugged.

"Arya!" Rieka demanded.

"Damn it Nya." Arya hissed. "Aegon hide me!" She commanded. Aegon looked around in a panic.


"Are you alright Aemond?" Viserys questioned

"Im fine. I dont know what happened. This is why i should be in charge." Aemond added under his breath as he headed out. Nymeria smiled up at viserys, he gave her a small smile in return.

"So... you and my sister gonna give me a niece or nephew to dote over?" Nymeria pondered pools of innocence stared back at him.

"I certainly hope so." Viserys agreed. "But you know that my children are-"

"All older than me. Even your youngest Aemond is older than me. I want a baby to dress up and boss around." Nymeria corrected honestly.


"You are a bad hider." She muttered to aegon.

"I don't do well under pressure!" Aegon sassed.

" what happened?"

" I fell, but I am perfectly fine." Arya assured still unable to put pressure on her foot.

" Why are you leaning so heavily on Aegon?" Rieka countered.

" we are bonding I thought you wanted me to bond with them." Arya sassed.

" then walk over here to me." Rieka instructed. " if you are fine..." arya hesitated. Slowly, she removed her hand from her support system, Aegon and took a hobbled step towards rieka before falling forward. Aegon failed at grabbing her but rieka stepped in just in time, holding her sister upright.

"Arya what happened?"

" it's just a sprain." Arya assured. " I feel like a big enough loser already. Can you please not make a big deal about this?"

"She needs a maester." Aegon cut in. Arya sent him a warning glare.

" I will tend to her." Rieka assured. " come on lean on me." Arya grumbled her big sister helped her to her chambers. Aegon held up her discarded shoe and placed it by the door.

" I did have fun with you today... before..." aegon added. Arya smiled a pained smile back at him.

"Yeah." She agreed softly. "Me too."

"Heavens look at this ankle!" Rieka declared. She was knelt in front of her little sister and prodding a finger at inflamed and swollen ankle.

"Ow!" Arya demanded.

" I think it's... maybe not broken but definitely not good. You stay put and do not move off this bed little Miss." rieka commanded. Arya grumbled flopping back onto the bed. She hated when her sister used her mom voice on her.

"Im going to wrap it. I need supplies. Does it hurt a lot? I can get a tincture made."

" it hurts." she admitted softly.

" all right I'll be right back oh and arya?" Rieka stopped at the door. " tell me when you're hurt I'm not going to be mad I just want you safe. Why lie to me?"

" I didn't want you to have to worry. You have to worry about all the seven kingdoms now."

" you are my sister. My family comes first no matter what. You get hurt or you need help or you just want to talk you come to me I'm always going to be here for you. I never want to be too busy for my sisters." Rieka corrected.

"Thanks Rie."

"Now dont move!" She pointed a finger back at arya.

"My queen." Larys bowed his head to her.

"Hello lord...."

"Larys Strong."

"Right of course. Sorry my head is a little all over the place. I need to get stuff from my sister. She hurt her ankle and I need to wrap it." Rieka answered.

" might I be of any assistance?" Larys questioned.

" it hurts. Do you have anything for the pain?"

" as a matter of fact, I do." Larys agreed. Rieka was pleasantly surprised when the master of whispers had everything she might need for bandaging and tinctures for the pain. He assured her that if she needed anything, anything at all that she should come to him.

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now