28. My Heart

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Rieka had been painting the nursery

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Rieka had been painting the nursery. She wanted to have a little bit of both Targaryen and Stark filling up the room. At the bottom, she drew flowers in honor of helaena. The top of the wall she drew dragons with shimmering scales in honor of aemond. 

She had done a rough outline of the seven kingdoms, a map on one of the walls with each of the most prominent buildings, the whole fast drawn out and honor of  viserys and his love for knowledge and the realms.

She was working on what she hoped would be cute rendition of aegon and aryas silhouette dueling with their swords under a snowy tree in honor of Stark.

Nymeria was helping with the butterflies and flowers. Cregan suggested a split house emblem. He was helping her stencil out now.

" I hope it will be done in time. I think once this baby comes, I'm not getting off my feet." Rieka admitted.

"I assume you will be the mother that does everything and refuses to let anyone else touch her baby." Cregan countered. 

"You think me such a control freak?" Rieka sassed. 

"No, I didnt say that." Cregan corrected slowly. "You did." 

"I'm not a control freak." Rieka corrected. "I will give you babysitting duty every night in fact, i'm giving you night watch on this little nugget." Rieka decided. 

"Damn." in that moment Cregan knew he fucked up.

"Damn indeed, brother." Rieka smirked. "I just cant wait to meet the babe. I'm so excited, I still can't pick a name. I want Rose for a middle name, thats as far as i got for a girl but there are too many options, really its just..." Rieka looked to Viserys as he kissed her hand and up to her cheek. "We really should be thinking of names."

"The nursery is going to be ready in time, I'm sure of it." Viserys remarked. "Maybe we write the babes name on that wall." Viserys suggested. 

"Oh thats wonderful, it will be right above the crib." RIeka agreed. She looked to Helaena and Nymeria still painting  butterflies. "After this is done I was thinking we paint the childrens rooms, anything they want, we all help, do it together." Rieka added. "What do you think?"

"I think any time spent with you is something the children crave like the air they breathe." Viserys assured. Rieka chuckled looking to Aegon as he approached. 

"Mum, do I have to take my tests? I'm a prince why do I need to know all this stuff?" Aegon grumbled 

"Because you are not going to be an invalid. You are my smart boy you will use your mind and your muscles in life, it is important, please... for me." RIeka requested. 

"Alright," Aegon grumbled slumping off. "For you!"

"I dont know how you do it." Viserys remarked. 

"Do what?"

"Get them to listen to you so easily. There was always arguments with Alicent, he never agreed with her, they were constantly fighting as well." Viserys added. "And yet you make a request and he agrees."

"It's called mutual respect and love." Rieka offered. "I adore him and want whats best for him, I havent given him any indication that I dont want whats best for him so he trusts me when I say I know whats best," Rieka shrugged. 

"Just that simple." Viserys agreed. 

"It took time but yes. Trust, respect and love." she agreed. "Good basis for any relationship, like ours."

"Ours," Viserys agreed kissing her. "I'm so excited for this baby too," He added holding her as the room cleared out and they were alone among the flowers and dragons and wet clouds in the painted sky. "You and me."

"And the children and my siblings and the realms." RIeka agreed. "I'm afraid the moment we were married and you made me queen it was never going to just be you and me, my heart."

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