27. Eye of the Beholder

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Rieka woke up feeling great

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Rieka woke up feeling great. The baby wasnt kicking her all night. She had wonderful dreams. The sun was shining and birds were chirp, chirp, chirpping away outside the already opened window. The. Her feet hit the ground, she twisted her ankle and screamed as she started to fall.

"Fucking-" she twisted trying to catch herself on the bed stumbling back with an omph. "Viserys!" She demanded dropping to her ass. " what have I told you about leaving your toys around?"

" I'm sorry I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, moving to her and offering her a hand up. He put her on the bed running his hands over her assessing her.  " but I don't think it's my fault."

"No?" She rubbed her sore foot.

" do you remember what you grabbed off the night table last night when I was...?" Viserys smirked back at her.

" OK blame me and my orgasm." Rieka agreed as he put the little wolf figurine in its spot.

"Gladly." Viserys agreed. "Are you alright? The babe?"

"I'm fine Vis," Rieka agreed. "Just hurt my foot."

"Ask me why." Nymeria prompted. 

"Do I have to?" Aegon groaned

"Yes. Thats how you move a conversation forward." Nymeria agreed. Arya smirked leaning up against her horse waiting for aegon.

"Fine. Why?" Aegon agreed

"Mother what do you think about when you are trying to focus and not think?" Aemond questioned. RIeka debated that as she got the paints ready for the nursery. 

"What do I think about when I'm not trying to think...' Rieka repeated. "Well usually I sing or watch you and your siblings and let my mind wander. Why?"

"I keep getting distracted and I really know what I'm supposed to be doing in the library but I keep hearing Aegon in the courtyard and then I see helaena in the halls humming and skipping along. Then I think what is mother up to? Does she need help? And then I'm not working on what I'm supposed to be doing." Aemond answered. "Like I know I'm supposed to write a paper for my lessons but there are more exciting things to do than a paper but if I write it then its done, until the next one and I just dont have the motivation for it." 

"Then wait. Get some energy out and then try to refocus. you could help me paint." Rieka suggested. "I need to get going on this nursery." 

"I dont know how to paint." Aemond countered. 

"You just splash paint on your canvas in this case the walls." RIeka offered. 

"Thats' not painting." 

"SUre it is. Art comes in all forms. You know if you dont mind me singing and talking to this little nugget," She put a hand on her stomach. "while I work, then you are more than welcome to study here if you dont want to paint."

"I would like that." Aemond agreed. 

Cregan had become the best of friends with Criston, Rieka was glad he finally had a friend that he could have a bromance with but when Rieka called it that Cregan gagged. 

"He's my bud, RIeka.' Cregan grumbled. "Dont say shit like that." he had begged. 

Aemond still couldnt focus, he moved to the wall Rieka was drawing the forest floor, little flowers and bumblebees. He knelt beside her picking up a brush and fiddling with it. 

"Can I help?"

"I would love that." Rieka agreed. Aemond had always been a mama's boy, he was still a mama's boy. Rieka loved him dearly. He dipped the brush in green and looked to Rieka for approval she nodded as he stroked it against the wall. He wanted to do everything perfectly but painting wasnt something that was perfect it was perfect in the eye of the beholder.

"Looking good." Viserys declared kneeling beside them. "I'm impressed. Here I thought you would be studying again."

"I'm supposed to be." Aemond admitted softly. "I will get back to-"

"Stay, keep going, i'm glad you are helping, I brought refreshments." Viserys remarked nodding to the sweet treats and drinks on the table. "Put me to work boss." Viserys remarked rolling up his sleeves. 

"I want you to start outlining the castles, Viserys, I want a map on that wall." Rieka declared pointing back. 

"I'm on it. Aemond could you help me?"

RIeka smiled as Aemond moved to help Viserys, she loved how their bond had grown.

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now