23. Until You

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Viserys watched in slight horror and yet a bit of amusement as rieka descended the sky with aemond. Aegon and arya were not too far behind them.

"Exhilarating!" Rieka declared kissing Viserys.

"Riding while pregnant you sound like my great great grandmother Avalon". Viserys remarked. "She was said to have rode even in the day she gave birth and my mother was the same. She rode with me and my brother the day we were born."

"I hope to do the same with this one. And darling you know i can't say no to aemond he gives me that look and im weak to his will." Rieka declared.

"You are a good mother."

"Cregan calls me a pushover i would do anything for our children absolutely anything."

"Which is why you are an amazing mother."

"I'm so excited. Someone as adventurous and brilliant as Aemond, someone as determined as aegon and someone that is as creative as Helaena. I know it's a lot to put on a baby but i hope this child gets the very best of the three of you."

"I love this. Im not too big yet and i feel- viserys im growing a life inside me. Its weird and strange and wonderful!" Rieka declared. Viserys kissed her again.

"I remember when my mother was pregnant for the last time. She had a glow about her that you have. She would have loved you. Wild and free. She wasnt one for rules and she would have loved your take charge attitude and skills in the courtyard."

"And what of your father?" Rieka pondered

"He liked whatever my mother liked." Viserys answered

"Smart man." Rieka agreed.

"You know i never wanted to be king but it was my honor and duty as the next male in my family."

"Rhaenys was the eldest." Rieka recalled

"I would have been happy without the crown. But then i never would have met you."

"Life is funny that way how one thing could change history or rather your future forever." Rieka agreed. He touched her stomach.

"Boy or girl, this babe will be our heir."

"What of aegon? Or little Jacaerys?" Rieka questioned. "Should they not-"

"Jacaerys isnt of velaryon blood." Viserys whispered shaking hisnhead. "Aegon... after what..."

"I understand but are you sure?" Rieka questioned "aemond is a smart boy. We could do second born sons?" She suggested. Viserys chuckled

"Rieka my heart, my whole heart," he kissed her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered closed and popped back open again. "Do you not want-"

"I just dont want the children to think-"

"They wont drag care. They got the mother they always dreamed of having. The to mother they always wanted that is you."

"You think?"

"I hate to speak ill of the dead but alicent wasn't a mother to them. Not really. She... you heard the children that day you told them she died."

"Aemond was heartbroken." Rieka reminded him

"Aemond has a soft heart." Viserys added. "But he... they all deserved better. Not just from alicent but from me too. I should have been better for them."

"I think you are doing great. This baby is going to need his daddy because this mama will need mandatory naps." Rieka half teased.

" I don't know if it is I making the effort more or them since you came along.  But talk to me they tell me things we sit we chat we eat and I don't know if it's because they never cared to me before or if I had just been too busy for them to realize I was neglecting them." Viserys admitted.

" that's so wonderful." Rieka agreed.

" it's because of you my heart." he assured her.

" no it's because you love your children."

" I mean yes of course I do but I mean you change the way we all thought. You change the dynamic of the capital. Your presence. You shifted everything when you came in the very best way you got us out of the cycle we were in and made the explorer out of us all."

" well I'm glad every day at winterfell we were always doing something similar yet. Something brand new. My mother used to say do a little thing different every day. Try something new every week and explore somewhere every month. Even if it's just diving into a new book and exploring that world. I tried to stick to that after she passed. Tried to help my siblings, not forget her. My father certainly hasn't forgotten. I love how in love he was with her. I love that if you ever died, I would never move on."

" you would have suitors lined up for you after I pass." Viserys corrected

" and I wouldn't want any of them because I would only want you. There is a reason I went so long without marriage. I never found the person I wanted to be with until you."

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now