29. Fortnight

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"Aegon wants to propose."

"No, he's too young." 

"He loves her." RIeka countered. 

"I did see him taking to Cregan.' Viserys agreed. 

"And kissing my little sister." Rieka added. "Oh its so perfect, so sweet, he got through to Arya and her tough girl bravado." 

"You think he will ask for our blessing?" Viserys pondered. 

"Oh I dont know, maybe, hopefully, I would like to think so." RIeka agreed. 

"I would too," Viserys agreed, they peered over at Arya and Aegon in the courtyard, Arya leaned up against Aegon her lips close to his as Aegon's hands were wrapped tightly around her hips. 

"They havent... Arya would have told me if she... and... you dont think... right? Do we need to have to talk?" RIeka questioned suddenly nervous.

"No, they wouldnt."

"He's a teenage boy, tell me what were you like?" RIeka countered. 

"We should have the talk with him." Viserys agreed.

"You two are like teenagers." Cregan groaned. "Gossiping." Rieka giggled out.  

"We are not, you dont even know what we are saying

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"We are not, you dont even know what we are saying." Rieka corrected. 

"Lies." Cregan countered. "I know a gossip when I see one." 

"Lies." Rieka countered. "We are talking of Aegon and Arya and their impending union." 

"Gossip, Arya doesnt want marriage she wants to be a knight." Cregan countered. 

"And yet she loves Aegon, exhibit A!" Rieka turned her twin around. Cregan stared back at Arya and Aegon. Cregan leaned over the railing gripping the railing tightly as he shouted. 

"AEGON!" Cregan caught their attention. "Keep your hands above my sisters waist or you lose your hands." He warned Aegon nudged Arya off of him. 

"Thanks a lot Cregan." Arya barked. 

"Welcome." Cregan agreed turning back to Rieka. "See, nothing happening there, not under my watch."

"I'm assuming you two didnt have many relationships back at winterfell." Viserys realized. "Not with Cregan scaring away suitors." he added teasingly. 

"Any man I liked Cregan hated and said he wasnt good enough and when he threatened them-" RIeka agreed. 

"Hey, they were cunts" Cregan countered. 

"WHEN HE THREATENED THEM!" Rieka went on. "if they ran he knew they werent worth it." 

"You think Cregan's threats will keep Aegon away from Arya?" Viserys pondered. 

"I think Aegon would move heaven and hell to get the chance to be called Arya's man." Rieka clarified glancing back down to see Arya and Aegon half hiding behind the stables, their lips connected. Cregan growled. 

"Boy never learns." 

"Leave them be, its love." Rieka corrected. "And I will need a few babysitters, you can't kill them." RIeka added. "Also hes' my son, no taking hands.' 

"Fine," Cregan agreed. "But they are too young." 

"I agree but not to young for a bit of fun, clean fun." Rieka clarified. 

"Definitely not the kind of fun we had last night." Viserys agreed, Rieka swatted a hand at him. Cregan stuck his tongue out in disgust. 

"I'm leaving, I never want to hear that sort of talk." he added stalking off. 


"You think soon?" Rieka questioned waddling through the halls. "I'm one step from demanding to be carried everywhere."

"Another fortnight."

"Thats forever!" Rieka demanded.

"It will come quicker than you know it." Viserys countered. 

"What if it doesnt?" Rieka murmured. "What if it drags on forever? What if a war starts and i'm so stressed out the baby knows there is a war and stays inside me forever? What if-"

"My heart I know you are worried, but you are young and healthy and worrying about all the very interesting and elaborate what if's won't help. Lets just enjoy the last fortnight together before we are filled with sleepless nights and dirty diapers and a constant little life in need of our attention. Lets enjoy this last fortnight together before everything has changed."

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now