22. Ladder

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"I miss the snow it was so majestic!" Helaena declared.

"I miss the warmth of real beds." Rieka countered

"You really shouldn't be traveling in your condition." Viserys reasoned.

"I'm not going to sit on my ass all day and see either i will lose my damn mind." Rieka challenged. "We are almost home anyways. Not like we can just stop here for 7 more moons."

"Good point." Viserys agreed. "We will be home and in bed before you know it."

You should never let your status with others compromise what you want to do and who you want to be. Rieka told aemond. He took that to heart. He trained hard and studied hard those were his passions knowledge and strength. Aegons only passion it seemed was arya and everything that involved with impressing her. So he was training a lot.

Helaena adored the wolf pups they brought back. Nymeria and helaena took to training them personally every day.

Rieka thought she slept for a good week when they got home, she loved her castle bed, it made winterfells bedding seem like a rock compared to the fluffy pillows and cloud like mattresses.

Viserys was getting ready a big party in riekas honor in the baby and her honor. He was so excited he hadn't been this excited since rhaenyras birth since aemmas pregnancy.

"Father is busy." Armond remarked when Rieka asked if he had seen his father. "It is a surprise I'm not supposed to tell you mum." He added knowing riekas curiosity.

"Alright fine." Rieka agreed. "What are you up today?"

"I'm off to lessons."

"Can you teach me some high valyrian?"


"This baby is going to be part targaryen i should know the lingo don't you think?" Rieka answered.

"I would be honored-" But helaena came up with hand made collars with bows for the wolves

"Can you help me put it on!" Helaena declared.

"Oh how precious!" Rieka held up the fabric touching the bow and cloth made flower gently between her fingers. "This is lovely. But you know the pups are babies they will grow out of these."

"I will make them more." Helena assured breezily.

"You are certainly talented Helaena darling. You might just be a designer one day. Make all the latest fashion from as north as winterfell all the way down where the sun kisses westeros in sunspear." Rieka decided

"You think I could?" Helaena questioned.

"Im going to be warrior." Arya declared. "Maybe a knight even."

"Knights cant marry. Pick another career path." Aegon corrected.

"Helaena you are one of the few people in this world that get to chose what they want to be." Rieka agreed.

"My previous Mother said i would marry for duty. I didnt really think i got to do anything for myself. She never got to." Helaena recalled

"Honey you will marry for love. All of you will. I refuse to force you into a union. If you want to be a seamstress i fully support it." Rieka declared. "If you want to study insects at the citadel I support that too. You are young and can have many passions many hobbies- all of you." Rieka assured.

"I think one day I would like to be hand of the king." Aemond admitted.

"What king?" Aegon countered. "You going to overthrow grandfather?"

"By the time this baby comes and is of age for ruling grandfather should statistically be long dead." Aemond reasoned

"Then you best take note of him and the other members of the council carefully. Join your father for council meetings." Rieka suggested

"You mean one day..." aemond pondered hopefully

"Your father will be the one to decide that. It is his kindgom but you work hard and learn all that you can and I dont see why not." Rieka declared. "Reach for the stars my darlings. If you need help reaching them we can make a ladder."

Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now