Pent Up(Part 1)

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(Narrator's POV)

Steven sat in the Doctor's office as Priyanka read the results of his blood work. And while everything else seemed fine, one thing was off.

"Steven. Personal question: Have you either masturbated or gotten intimate with my daughter in the last several months?" She asked as Steven blushed.

"No to both questions. Connie and I broke up so she could focus on her studies. And I've never masturbated in my life." The hybrid replied as Priyanka gave him a look.

"I ask because one of the things it's showing me from your blood work results is your semen count. And you've got a very high level of it. In other words, you've got a lot of it stored and you're backed up. Also, it's perfectly normal for a young man like yourself to want to relieve yourself from time to time. You seriously didn't do that while you were on the road?" Priyanka asked as Steven shook his head.

"No I didn't. But what do I do now?" He asked as Priyanka smiled to try and comfort him.

"Listen. It's perfectly natural for young men such as yourself to want to masturbate. So if you ever get some time alone then that's what you should do. You need to release that semen somehow, Steven." Priyanka said as Steven sighed which caused the woman to sigh as well. It was clear to see Steven was unprepared for this.

"Steven. While I do my best to avoid criticizing the parental skills of your father, has he ever given you "The Talk"? I mean, you are at that age...." She asked as Steven looked at her.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asked as Priyanka shook her head in frustration.

"You cannot be serious.......(sighs) Steven? If I had the time, I'd give an explanation that your father apparently didn't give you, but all I can do for the time being is just advise you to be careful and cautious." She said as Steven nodded.


"What did she mean by be careful and cautious?" Steven asked himself as he was in his room, trying to keep his mind off the discomfort in his pants. Being around Ms Maheswaran caused it to come up again although he did his best to keep that hidden from her. Not exactly an easy task with how beautiful and attractive she is.

But after mentally kicking himself for having lewd thoughts about his now ex-girlfriend's mother, Steven did his best to take his mind off of it by flipping through the channels for something to watch.

"Camp Pining Hearts? Eh. All right." The hybrid said as he watched the show. And things were going as normal.....until a rather busty new character approached one of the guys on the show. And the two of them were alone in a cabin as the girl began to remove her clothes....

Steven felt his lower area expand and cramp his pants again. He didn't know what to do at first until he remembered what Dr Maheswaran told him. Gently unzipping his pants, he began to pull out his penis.....

"Hey Steven! Is that Camp Pining Hearts?!? Can I watch with you?!?" The excited voice of Peridot exclaimed as Steven quickly zipped himself back up just before the Green Gem could see anything.

"Uh...sure Peri. Maybe you can explain to me who this new girl is in the show." Steven said as Peridot looked at the television and scoffed.

"Hmph. That's that hussy Eve! She's the one who seduced Pierre and ruined my favorite ship! But what's she saying to him? Mind if I turn the volume up?" The Green Gem asked as she walked up to the TV and bent over to adjust the volume, giving Steven a nice view of her rather shapely rear end.

"Guh.." Steven groaned as he felt the discomfort in his pants again as Peridot looked back at him.

"Steven? Are you all right? You look uncomfortable." She asked with concern.

"Y-Yeah Peridot. I'm alright. Just trying to adjust myself here on the floor. I sometimes forget how hard it is." Steven said as Peridot smiled.

"Then let's remedy that by going on the bed! It'll be much more comfortable for both of us!" She said as Steven was a bit worried. But knowing he could hide his discomfort under the covers, he agreed as the two got in bed. Peridot cuddled up close to the hybrid as she normally does as the two watched the show together and watched every moment of Eve and Pierre's heated make out session that led to them being in bed together.

After the show ended, Steven's lower area was more cramped than ever but Peridot had stars in her eyes.

"That was amazing. I know Eve's a hussy, but that makes me wanna try that!" She exclaimed.

"Being a hussy? Isn't that Amethyst's job?" Steven said as Peridot chuckles.

"Hey. Don't you put Amethyst in the same category as Eve. But I meant the thing they were doing. I think that's what you humans call sex, right? I want to try that. And...well since you're the only human I'd trust and love enough to do it with, I want you to do it with me, Steven." She said as Steven looked at her.

"Peridot. That's a very strong level of intimacy for humans. Only people who are really close and trust each other a lot do that." He explained.

"Don't you trust me?" Peridot asked as Steven smiled.

"You know I do. But I don't want to seem like I'm taking advantage of you." He said as Peridot smiled and placed a hand on his face.

"You're not. I want to do this with you, Steven. I love you and trust you." She said as the two soon found themselves making out......

(Part 2 coming soon!)

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