Chapter One

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I don't think I need to explain to anyone why my broken heart and shattered soul needed to write this.

Reference to Ivy by Taylor Swift (a looot more references to come next chapter, just you wait)

Edit by me, lyrics from Foolish One (From the Vault) by Taylor Swift
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This fic now has a Translation into Vietnamese here on Wattpad done by Rio627!



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I forgive you.

Aziraphale watched as Crowley walked out the door. He'd seen the demon walk out of the bookshop a million times, always knowing that he'd walk right back in the same door tomorrow.

This time, the door closed with a stifling sense of irrevocability.

This time, Crowley wasn't just walking out of his bookshop.

This time, Crowley was walking out of his life.

His whole body trembled, his hand quivering uncontrollably as he brought it up to his tingling lips, lips that had been pressed against Crowley's only moments ago. He could still feel the demon's warmth, the harsh pull of Crowley's shaking hands fisted in the lapels of his coat.

It had been forceful, an action clearly born from desperation, but still so gentle in a way that only Crowley had ever been with him.

He had wanted to melt into it, to grasp the demon in return and hold on tight until their words of anger were forgotten, until Crowley agreed to stay by his side as Aziraphale needed him to.

But he knew Crowley wouldn't, he didn't understand what he was trying to do, what he was trying to do for them both.

All Aziraphale allowed himself was a single moment, one single moment to rest his hands on Crowley's back, one single moment of indulgence before his sense of responsibility forced them apart again.

He would never forget the look on Crowley's face when he said it. The little breath of air that left the demon's lungs.

It had looked like acceptance, sounded like disappointment, tasted like finality.

I forgive you.

Foolish. Stupid. Cruel.

Those hadn't been the words sitting at the tip of his tongue. Far from it.

But it didn't matter. Those had been the words he spoke, and he couldn't take them back now.

He had gathered himself quickly when the Metatron came in, had put on a smile that was worth being called angelic. He hadn't had to use that smile in years, not since communication with Heaven had been cut off.

I Forgive YouWhere stories live. Discover now