Chapter Thirteen

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We lose some pants, Crowley almost loses his mind over said lost pants, and after addressing some of Aziraphale's insecurities, we couldn't leave our demon's untouched (heh) either, right?

I'm sorry for everyone who just wanted them to get on with it already, I just can't write uninterrupted, uncomplicated smut as it seems.


"Ngk", Crowley said, mouth dry as Aziraphale popped the button of his trousers open.

The angel looked at him expectantly, patiently, and he'd said he wanted Crowley to help him-

Aziraphale was gonna take his pants off, and Crowley was gonna see his thighs, his bare fucking thighs, and they were gonna- they were gonna...

Crowley swallowed hard.

"S-Should" He gestured to the hem of Aziraphale's pant legs, the angel smiling at him sweetly, far too innocent-looking for an angel who had just asked a demon to take off his slacks so they could-

"If you'd be so kind", Aziraphale smiled, lifting his legs so Crowely could pull the pants down more easily.

And Crowley...Crowley needed to move. Hands. Move his hands. Use his fingers. Grip the pant legs. Right.

He probably looked like a proper idiot the way he stared at his own hands in concentration as he willed them to move, fingers curling around the slightly rough fabric of the angel's slacks and pulling them off. He watched as the brown cloth yielded to the tug of his hands, slipping down and pooling at the angel's feet. He ignored the little sigh of relief the angel made, refused to look at any of the skin he knew he'd just revealed, just kept his eyes glued to the trousers in his hands as he took his time to fold them carefully, placing them on the chair with the rest of the angel's clothes.

There they sat. Waistcoat. Dress shirt. Undershit. Slacks. Aziraphale's shoes and socks by his bedroom door.

Logically, that left quite the undressed angel. And he was in Crowley's bed.

Fucking fuck.

Crowley gulped.

"Dearest?" A hand on his shoulder caused Crowley to startle, head whipping around from where he'd been staring at the blasted chair to meet warm blue.

Aziraphale smiled at him gently.

"Are you quite alright, love?"

Crowley forced his eyes to stay glued to the angel's face, didn't dare glance down. There'd be miles of creamy legs on display. He couldn't take it. He'd probably jump Aziraphale right away, grab those thighs and bury his canines in them-

"Perfect", he croaked out. "Sss-" Jesus fucking- Get that stupid hissing under control, goddammit! Crowley cleared his throat. "Simply tickety-boo, angel."

Aziraphale chuckled, and Crowley managed a wry smile at the sound.

"Mmmmh." Aziraphale hummed softly, leaning in to place a quick peck on Crowley's lips that had the demon relaxing instantly. "Would you care to join me, then? I feel I'm in quite a disadvantageous state of undress at the moment. Only if you're comfortable, of course."

Crowley nodded dumbly.

He watched in a daze as the angel undid his snake belt buckle, but stopped Aziraphale's hands as the angel reached for his pants, giving him a crooked smile at the angel's questioning look.

"They...ah. Don't really work well that way. Too tight, see." He pressed his lips together, somewhat embarrassed at admitting that. "Usually just miracle 'em away. Not sure they even come off otherwise."

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