Chapter Fourteen

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*does the apology dance* This is for the cliffhanger last chapter. 

So here you go, almost 3k of desperately needed conversation after yesterday's ending. And some nice chaste scale kink bc ofc;)
(For visualization - when they mix with his human form I imagine them less like pure flat snake scales and a little more flexible, formed like normal scales but they can raise up and shift a little like feathers if that makes sense)

Hope the hurt was worth it for the upcoming comfort, enjoy!


"Whatever have I done to you?"

Cause you said we could be angels again, Crowley's devastated voice echoed in Aziraphale's ears.

He thinks I want him to be an angel. He thinks I don't want to see him like this, that I don't want him like this-

"Oh, this is all my fault, isn't it", Aziraphale muttered, crestfallen.

"Wha-?" Crowley shook his head, eyes wide. "Angel-"

"Oh, Crowley." Guilt tore at Aziraphale's heart, settling heavily on his chest. "Oh, my darling, no. I never meant-" I never meant to imply anything like that, never meant for you to feel like- like...

"When I said that, that we could be...angels-" The word felt strange in his mouth now, wrong. It had always been wrong, hadn't it? "It was just because I thought it might make you happy", Aziraphale said, desperate to make Crowley understand. "You were so lovely and joyful back then, so free of any burden tarnishing your spirit- oh, the way you marvelled shamelessly at the universe you helped create-"

He couldn't help but smile fondly at the memory, at the sweet picture of innocence his beloved had made back then, so clearly the foundation of all that was good and kind about his demon now.

"It was so beautiful to witness, Crowley, I couldn't help but hope you might come to be that way again."

Aziraphale shook his head guiltily, ashamed that he'd been so focused on who Crowley had been that he'd forgotten to appreciate how much more he had become, how much more they could become together.

"But I was wrong to assume, I'm sorry", he said now, carding a hand through the demon's red hair as Crowley stared at him. "I communicated my intentions so terribly and I hurt you. That is entirely my fault and I apologise, sincerely. But please-"

Aziraphale clasped one of the demon's hands, brought it to his lips to press a lingering kiss to his knuckles, smiling when he saw the tiniest of scales popping up between Crowley's fingers.

"You may never think I'd prefer you as an angel, my dear", Aziraphale said sincerely, with all the truthfulness he held in his heart. "My sole concern to even suggest it was for your happiness."

He'd been wrong to ever think Crowley could find happiness in Heaven again, of course. He could see that all too clearly now.

You don't know me, Crowley had accused him once.

I knew the angel you were, Aziraphale had said.

Crowley had scoffed. The angel you knew, that's not me.

And he had been right. He wasn't that angel anymore. He wasn't supposed to be that angel anymore. He had lived through so much, had been shaped by so many paths and choices. He was so much more now, so much more beautiful and extraordinary, and Aziraphale could never wish him any other way.

"I understand now that I was under a terrible misconception", the angel voiced his thoughts. "I should have known it wouldn't be what you'd want. You've always been better than I am, Crowley. I've always been too slow, you know that better than anyone."

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