Chapter Nineteen

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We're on the final chapter, so yall know what that means.

We got some sappy smut, and then we got some sappy ending.

So buckle up, everyone. This is the longest chapter of the whole fic, 4.7k of porn here we go... xD
(Ofc everything I said before about referring to Crowley's genitals still stands and so on)

Referenced lyrics from "Ours" (TV) by Taylor Swift


"Allow me to take care of you now."

Aziraphale looked at him hopefully, eyes full of a tenderness Crowley hungered for yet could hardly bear. His body screamed for him to give himself over, to let Aziraphale do with him whatever he pleased, but his mouth didn't know how to form the words, had never learned how to respond to such an outrageous request.

He stared, trembling slightly.

For what could he say to that?

Yes, he wanted to say. Take care of me. Touch me with those gentle hands. Kiss me with those soft lips.

Make me feel that I'm yours, that you'll never leave me again. Make me forget everything in the world but you and your touch on my skin.

No one has ever cared for me before. No one has ever wanted to care for me before.

Do it, I want you to, I want you to own me, to possess me, to make me fall all over again but this time I'll land in your arms.

Please. Kiss me, touch me, want me, love me-

Crowley swallowed.

Yeaaah, nah. Better not say that.

Instead, he just nodded.

Aziraphale gave him a happy smile, seemingly satisfied with that small reaction. He reached out to guide Crowley onto his back, Aziraphale hovering over him, their eyes locked as Crowley held his breath in anticipation.

"Is this okay?", Aziraphale asked softly, his earnest eyes searching Crowley's face, one hand placed on his hip almost possessively while the other trailed softly along the inside of the demon's thigh.


The angel smiled that smile again, breathtakingly beautiful and full of promises. He finally broke the connection between their gazes, his eyes sweeping down Crowley's body instead, lips parting in wonder as he took in the demon's lean chest, his protruding ribs and slender waist, all the way down to his long legs.

"Oh, Crowley, you're exquisite."

Aziraphale leaned in, gently pressing his lips to Crowley's cheek, the sweet gesture such a contrast to the way the angel's hand tightened around his hip bone that it made him gasp.

"Will you let me explore you, dearest?", Aziraphale said, peppering featherlight kisses along his jaw, down his throat, paying special attention to an especially tender spot Crowley could already tell had been marked by his angel's mouth before.

He swallowed hard.

"If that's what you want."

"Oh, very much so."

Azirphale kissed his way back up, finishing his path with a little peck to his lips, and Crowley was left stunned by how Aziraphale managed to leave him this riled up from just a few chaste presses of lips.

"Then...sure, I guess", he pressed out, watching the angel's smile widen with open delight.

"Splendid", Aziraphale said, "let me just..."

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