Chapter Eight

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The bois have honestly just taken the story into their own hands and each time I think I know what will happen in the chapter I'm writing, they just keep talking and taking it somewhere I never knew it would be going. Like this chapter. This was entirely not part of the original plan, but well. Have it, anyway.

Reference to "Cowboy Like Me" by Taylor Swift


"You are everything to me", Aziraphale said.

And Crowley smiled, smiled at him, and it was the most beautiful sight Aziraphale had ever laid eyes on. Nebulas being born at the dawn of time, rainforests sprouting from the ground in lush greens on the Third Day, stars sparkling in the night sky over shimmering ocean waves in Greece, even the rustling yellowed pages of innumerable books in the library of Alexandria - none of it could hold a candle to Crowley's smile.

"You mean that?", the demon said, his voice still guarded but so hopeful-

"Oh-" Aziraphale smiled back, blinking the remnants of tears from his eyes. "With all my heart. My love..." He dared to lift a hand, fingers trembling ever so slightly as he allowed them to trail over the little snake tattoo next to Crowley's right ear. "My dearest, darling demon-"


Crowley's eyes fluttered shut, his breath shaky as he exhaled.

"Tell me this is real", he breathed then, like a secret whisper between them, like the world might shatter around them if he spoke the words too loud. "Tell me I'm not dreaming, angel-"

"If this is a dream", Aziraphale said, "I can see why you are so fond of sleeping."

Crowley chuckled breathlessly, and it was such a beautiful sound, such a beautiful sound-

"I thought I'd lost you", Crowley said.

"So did I", said Aziraphale.

"Don't ever leave me again, angel. You gotta promise me."

"I promise. Never again."

"I wouldn't survive it if you did."

Aziraphale could feel a smile spreading on his face, the utter awe and disbelief over this moment rushing through him as he shook his head to himself.

"I'm sorry, I know I really shouldn't be smiling about that, but..." He stared into the wide gold of Crowley's eyes, finding his own emotion reflected in them. "I just never dared hope I might be this important to you."

"Angel." Oh, how he had always loved it when Crowley called him that. It had always sounded so special when Crowley said it, and right now, that one tiny word held so much meaning, everything they both felt and didn't know how to express, an understanding that they were caught in this feeling together.

"My dear, I-" I want to kiss you. I want to hold you and never let you go again. I want to bare my heart before you so you may know all the things my mind doesn't know how to say.

Crowley's eyes were so big and shimmering with unshed tears, watching him so intensely, so focused, like he was hanging on every word from Aziraphale's lips, like Aziraphale was the most important thing in the world and-

Now you hang from my lips like the Gardens of Babylon.

God, he wanted to kiss him so badly.

The desire was sudden and fervent, consuming his whole being as soon as it popped up.

Would Crowley let him? Would he want him to?

Was it too soon? Was the memory of their first time still too fresh, too tainted?

Aziraphale swallowed hard.

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