Chapter Eighteen

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So uhm...not much to say, is there? A warning that it gets smuttier yet again seems pretty unnecessary. I think we all know where we're headed after last chapter xD

So, without further ado, I will let poor Crowley finally have his way. He's waited long enough...and so have you guys. Thanks for bearing with me lol


"You always do, darling."

Warmth pooled in Crowley's chest as Aziraphale looked down at him, mixing with the heat of arousal already simmering in his body, the heady combination of lust and love shining from the angel's eyes making his heart beat faster.

There was so much trust displayed on Aziraphale's face, counting on Crowley to take care of him, a sort of breathless anticipation speaking from the way the angel's lips parted and his hips lifted for Crowley's comfort.

Crowley gave him a last soft grin before he let his eyes wander lower, focusing on the angel's cock where it lay curved against his plush stomach. He leaned in, nothing stopping him this time as he flicked out his tongue to lick a stripe up the angel's length, taking in the musky scent of him, the salty taste of his skin, the hitch of his breath like music to the demon's ears.

Encouraged, Crowley pressed his lips against the thick head, swirling his tongue around to spread the wetness gathered there, dipping into the slit, and Aziraphale exhaled shakily above him, the thigh next to Crowley's head twitching.


Crowley had chosen this name for himself, but he was sure it had never sounded as good as it did on Aziraphale's tongue, leaving the angel's lips on a quiet sigh of pleasure.

His senses were already going into overdrive, snake instincts flaring up as he took the head of Aziraphale's cock into his mouth, his tongue elongating until he could wrap it around the angel's girth, squeezing gently and smiling to himself when one of Aziraphale's hands shot down, groping around before eventually settling on gripping his own thigh.

Crowley let himself sink into it, how he could taste him, smell him, feel his heat in his mouth, his weight on his tongue and his girth spreading his lips, could hear the litany of breathless little noises Aziraphale made, just for him, because of him.

He got lost in the task, his mind going pleasantly cloudy as he simply concentrated on letting himself feel, making Aziraphale feel - kissing up and down his length, wrapping his tongue around him, teasing the vein pulsing along the side, then focusing on the ridge below the head again, letting his instincts lead him to learn and follow what would make his angel's cock twitch, what forced the sweetest sounds out of him, the prettiest moans.

Aziraphale's hand, set on clinging to his own thigh at first, had eventually found its way into Crowley's hair, carding through the red stands - not pushing or demanding, simply guiding him, a grounding weight that anchored him and made him feel secure. He loved the way Aziraphale's fingers tightened whenever Crowley did something particularly clever with his tongue, loved the slight sting on his scalp, loved how the angel would then stroke through his hair afterwards, soothing the burn. It made him feel desired, wanted, appreciated...loved.

"Ah- C-Crowley, I-" Aziraphale's legs shook and closed around him, the plush thighs pressing against his sides only serving to flare the demon's arousal higher. "Darling, that's..."

The angel trailed off, thought apparently slipping his mind's grasp as Crowley swallowed him deeper, the head of his cock hitting his soft palate, just shy of pushing into his throat. It was weirdly thrilling to see Aziraphale lose his ability to form articulate thoughts, eloquent as his angel usually was even when Crowley had already been reduced to a mindless blabbering mess. Turning the tables on him like that was far more satisfactory than Crowley liked to admit.

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