Chapter Sixteen

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Sooo...we're slowly getting smuttier. In case that's not your thing - beware. And if you decide to just stop reading - no hard feelings. (Pun not intended.)

For everyone else...hope you have fun reading xD 

References to "False God" by Taylor Swift



Crowley could watch as Aziraphale's eyes darkened, pupils blowing wider with a look in those eyes that was both temptingly dangerous and irresistibly enticing. He wanted to drown in those eyes, wanted to unleash the meticulously guarded desire on the angel's face and be devoured by it.

"You should be careful what you wish for, darling." Aziraphale licked his lips, his fingers flexing like he was trying to hold back from reaching out. "We just established that I'm quite the unapologetic hedonist, and you're just what I've been starving for ever since I can recall."

Feast on me, then, Crowley thought, desperate for it in a way he couldn't look at too closely. I've been starving too. Make me forget what hunger even means.

"No reason to keep holding back, then." Crowley pressed himself closer, scooting further into the angel's lap, his movement smooth and fluid like the snake he'd been as he slithered around the Tree. "I'm right here."

"You are, aren't you?" Aziraphale reached out, lips slightly parted as he stroked his thumb over Crowley's bottom lip, feeling it give under the pressure.

"Lovely thing", the angel murmured, awed. "Mine for the taking."

Yours. Six thousand times yours.

"What do you want, angel?"

Crowley knew he might be playing with fire here, and wasn't that just the most ridiculous thought - he was the demon, after all. He was supposed to be the one versed in all matters of lust and sin, the great original tempter. As it happened, he may be the one tempting here, yet Aziraphale was holding all the cards, and Crowley wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

"Tell me", he said, legs slightly shaking with anticipation.

I'll give you anything. Anything at all.

"Oh, I'm afraid going through that list would require much more time than I have patience for right now." Aziraphale had let his hand wander from Crowley's mouth to the line of his jaw, watching as he trailed a single finger down the demon's throat. "It may suffice to say - everything."

He paused, hand stilling next to Crowley's bobbing Adam's apple.

"Everything you're willing to give", Aziraphale said, voice low yet gentle in a way that made Crowley feel safe, carrying the promise of more but never too much.

"I'm gonna need that list", the demon said, pointedly raising his eyebrows when Aziraphale chuckled under his breath. "I ain't kiddin'", he persisted, returning the angel's amused smile. "I want that list. In writing."

"Of course." Aziraphale nodded seriously, a sparkle in his eyes.

"Tell me one thing on it now."


Crowley sounded a little breathless, pressing into his touch eagerly as Aziraphale continued the path of his hand, trailing the tip of his finger over the demon's collarbone.

"Tell me the thing you wanna do...right now", Crowley said, and despite all the different thoughts and possibilities rushing through his mind, it wasn't hard for Aziraphale to pick what he was desperate for the most.

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