Chapter Seventeen

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The smut gets smuttier. And so does our vocabulary for it, so be prepared for some horny idiots xD still sweet and adorable horny idiots though, ofc.

Buckle up for almost 4k of our poor snek boi just wanting to get his mouth on some angel but he just keeps getting interrupted...

Hope you enjoy some lovey-dovey (if slightly frustrating) sexy-times haha

P.S. As much as I enjoy the thought of Aziraphale happily fucking his way through history, I hope you don't mind me turning them both into sappy virgins that only ever had eyes (or make efforts) for each other. Might be the demi-ace in me coming out xD


"The things I wanna do to you."

Crowley couldn't stand another second of not touching his angel, so he pulled Aziraphale in, wrapping his arms around the angel's back and arching into him, hungry to feel as much of Aziraphale's skin against his as possible.

"Do tell", Aziraphale said, gasping next to Crowley's ear as his cock got trapped between their bodies, pressing into the demon's abdomen-

And how on earth was Crowley supposed to answer that?

To be frank - Crowley had spent millennia thinking up countless ways for Aziraphale to fuck him.

He really wasn't picky, would take anything and everything Aziraphale was ready and willing to try. He'd imagined how it would be to have Aziraphale inside him, or to be inside Aziraphale, had tried to picture the noises Aziraphale might make while the angel had his mouth on him (would it be similar to the way he sounded while eating an especially delicious piece of cake?), or while Crowley sucked him off, or while he sucked Crowley off, or while Crowley rode his cock. He wanted to find out if either of them had a preference when it came to genitals and ways to combine them, if feeling Aziraphale like this would be different from having him while Crowley had a cock as well. The possibilities really seemed endless, and Crowley had probably pictured them all.

To sum it up: Crowley was very flexible. (That is to say, his body was, as well as options to use it.)

"I..." I don't even know where to begin.

It seemed a little greedy, even for a demon, putting out there all the filthy thoughts he'd had, especially in times when they had still been forbidden. He knew Aziraphale wouldn't mind, knew the angel had probably had enough of his own, the wicked bastard.

And still, keeping them in your mind and speaking them aloud were two different things entirely. Like giving his fantasies a physical form in words somehow made it all so much more undeniably real and overwhelming.

"List", he said instead, clutching at Aziraphale's back to pull the angel into him, closer, closer, the snake inside him eager to coil around the angel's form and feel all that warm skin pressed against his own.

"We're gonna make that list. Can't- right now, 's too much, I-"

Aziraphale hummed, kissing Crowley's throat as he rocked against the demon in the tiniest of movements.

Crowley closed his eyes, tried to control his breathing as he allowed himself a moment to just feel, the sensation of his angel's naked body so close, the proof of Aziraphale's desire for him pushing into his hip, his legs falling open and wrapping around the angel's waist to keep him just here where Crowley wanted him.

Aziraphale sighed against Crowley's skin, mouth pressing wetly to the underside of his jaw.

"You feel so wonderful, darling", Aziraphale breathed, and Crowley could only agree.

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