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Just some silly adorableness between our two idiots, featuring smug bastard tease Aziraphale and grumpy flustered Crowley, and a Bentley who's just a tad complacently dramatic with her music choices.

You know I had to put in some last Taylor references. In order of appearance, lyrics from: If This Was A Movie (TV), This Love (TV), All You Had To Do Was Stay, right where you left me, Timeless (TV, From The Vault), Dress

And of course, last but not least, A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square by Toni Amos

Thank you for reading, I hope I earned the privilege of your time.


"Oh, you gotta be kidding me."

Crowley groaned loudly from the driver's seat of the Bentley, hand still on the key he had just turned in the ignition, and Aziraphale had to avert his head and look towards the window to hide his amused smile.

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would, you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside 'til I came out
, it sounded from the radio, the same singer Aziraphale recognized from his drive to Crowley's flat about a week prior.

This was their first outing since then, not that either of them had paid any attention to the passage of time, Aziraphale had been far too focused on persisting that Crowley did not leave his sight, did not leave his bed - and did not put on any clothes, for that matter.

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow

"Is this how you learned about humans falling in love in the rain?", Aziraphale couldn't help but ask, biting his lips when Crowley glared at him over the edge of his glasses.

"Shut up, angel."

"Oh, someone's tetchy."

"Just sick of getting tortured by fucking Taylor Swift", Crowley growled through gritted teeth, fighting with various buttons on the radio that did not seem to have any effect whatsoever.

"Oh, is that what this lovely artist is called? I must say, I find her music quite striking."

"Strikingly annoying for sure", Crowley grumbled, but Aziraphale knew that tone, knew that tension in the demon's jaw that always gave him away when he was being particularly obtrusive about pretending not to like something.

"Perhaps your dislike stems from her words hitting a little too close to home, hm?", Aziraphale dared to say, smiling innocently when Crowley scowled.

This love is good, this love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead, the car proclaimed, causing Aziraphale to grin just a little smugly as the demon turned to hiss and hit his palm against the steering wheel in indignant betrayal.

These hands had to let it go free, and
This love came back to me, ohohoh

"I said shut up, both of you."

In losing grip
On sinking ships
You showed up just in time

Crowley groaned in frustration, forehead falling against the steering wheel as the Bentley switched songs once again.

People like you always want back the love they gave away
And people like me wanna believe you when you say you've changed
The more I think about it now, the less I know
All I know is that you drove us off the road

Oh, dear. Aziraphale felt his smile faltering a little, and of course it caught Crowley's attention right away, the demon's hand finding his own and linking their fingers together.

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