The call from the dead

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Nico had gotten a message from one of his fathers personal zombies telling him to report to hades palace. He had hurried down and ended up facing his father in the middle of his throne room.

"Nico thank you for coming so soon." Hades voice boomed all around him.

It's not like I had much of a choice. He thought he had to bite his tongue to stop himself from blurting it.  He answered instead "of course father. What is it you need?"

His father spoke after a second of thought "I need you to find a few ghost for me. They've been wandering the human world  without permission. They know they need to fill out the paper work if they want to do that."

"Where?" Nico asked

"In Scotland. There in a school for wizards." Hades informed him.

Nico thought for a moment wondering how he hadn't realized that wizards existed. Instead of asking that he thought of another question.  "A school?" His voice came out confused and he was sure his face resembled it.

His father nodded "Hogwarts a school for witchcraft and wizardry. Will you do it"

"Of course." Was the only answer he gave the lord of dead before leaving.

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