The first task

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Will wasn't to sure about the first task. They all had to deal with dragons each assigned a different breed and then had to take an egg from them.

Harry had gotten the Hungarian Horntail. Fleur got the Welsh Green Dragon. Krum got a Chinese Fireball and Draco's brother Cedric got a Swedish Short-snout.

Draco had told him that the dragon Harry was assigned was the most dangerous and then Draco started to throw facts about all the dragons at him. All of them went right over his head but he nodded along.

It seemed that there was a golden egg set next to the actual egg of the dragon Draco paled when he saw it.

Cedric was first and he pointed his wand at a rock and it turned into a dog. The dog was enough it seemed to distract the dragon and he made it to the golden egg with no problem successfully completing the task.

Then fleur was next She enchanted the dragon to sleep. It was a really good idea until the sleeping dragon snored and then set her skirt on fire. Will cringed he knew burns were bad.

Krum was up third and he used the Conjunctivitis Curse (according to Draco)to blind the dragon and retrieve his egg. Though for some reason he lost points.

"It's because the dragon trampled half of its real eggs." Draco had told him though it didn't make much since to him.

Will looked over at his boyfriend who had his black hair tied up but Nico just shrugged.

When he looked back he realized that it was now Harry's turn. Draco looked nervous though definitely less worried after Cedric's turn.

Harry walked to the arena and he used a Summoning Charm to bring his Firebolt broomstick to him. He had to maneuver past the dragon to get the egg and he could hear Draco's gasp when he almost got hit. But Harry got to the egg.

So I'm other words all of them had passed the first task. Nico and Will watched as Draco hugged Cedric surprising tons of people. Will forgot that people didn't know that were siblings. It was even funnier seeing people's faces when Cedric hugged him back and lifted him off the ground.

Will looked over at Harry to see if he was actually ok and saw him staring at the two.

"Is it just me or does he look really jealous right now?" Nico asked from beside Will

"I think your right." Was all will said

Hermione ushered Harry away and soon the two of them were out of sight. Will wondered if him and Ron were still friends or if they were still fighting.

The rest of the day was full of celebration. Some for Krum some for fleur some for Harry and some for Cedric. Nobody really seemed to like all of the champions though.

Will and Nico sat down while everyone ran around yelling. Will was used to it but Nico looked tired. Will wrapped his arm around the son of hades and pulled him closer. Nico let him and laid his head on wills shoulder. Breathing easily. Today felt like it was lasting forever.

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