The strange ride

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Nico had already finished packing when will said that he was going to be joining him. The son of Apollo and him had been dating since the end of second giant war.

Nico didn't argue because he was informed after leaving the underworld that he shouldn't go alone and he had been told that the school Hogwarts was extremely safe and that nobody he took with him would be harmed.

When Will had finished packing they met at Thalia's tree where his father had told him to go.

There was a puff of smoke and a young women appeared with glowing eyes and long brown hair. It was lady Hecate.

Both Nico and Will bowed to the goddess. Then she spoke "I am going to be getting you boys to the train station you will need to find 9 3/4 and get on there. And don't worry about your supplies your trunks will be filled with everything you will need for the school."

"Thank you lady Hecate." Wills voice was thick his southern accent strong and a soft glow coming off of him. Nico felt his face burn just a bit before thanking the goddess for her help.

With a snap of her fingers the demigods found themselves somewhere completely different. There was people running around trying to find their train and Nico tried to find 9 3/4 but had no luck.

He turned to will "I think were being tricked do you see 9 3/4."

Before will could answer him a voice came from behind him "Do you boys need help? I can get you there."

The voice belonged to a red haired women who had soft brown eyes. There was a group of red headed people not to far away from her.

Will spoke "yes we do we've never been here before it would be amazing if you could help us. I'm will and this is Nico."

"I'm molly dears and you look a little too old to be first years how old are you?" She asked looking between Nico and Will.

"Oh no we are transfer students we are both in fourth year." Will replied cheerfully flashing a blinding smile at the women. She smiled right back.

"Oh your in the same year as my youngest son Ron. Why don't you two just follow me I'd be more than happy to help you." She turned and motioned for both boys to follow her.

Nico made the first move Molly seemed nice and she was willing to help do that was a bonus.

When they made it Nico realized it wasn't just red heads there was a dark skinned girl with bushy brown hair and a boy with light brown skin green eyes and glasses. They were the only two that weren't red heads.

"This is my son Ronald." She pointed at a red headed boy with blue eyes he blushed when she said it.

"It's just Ron mom." He replied his face getting redder.

"These are his friends Harry and Hermione and those two are the twins Fred and George and the girl right there is my daughter Ginny." She said pointing at each kid in turn. Nico tried to memorize there names in case he ever talked to them.

"You must be the transfer students." The girl Hermione said.

"We are." Will answered

"Alright everyone you can finish the chit chat on the train we need to get going hurry." Molly was shooing her children with her hands and Nico watched in amazement as Fred and George went right through the wall.

After everyone else had gone it was just Will and Nico. Nico looked at Will and swallowed before stepping through with his boyfriend.

They made it to the other side safely and Nico was great full. Then he was suddenly pushed onto the train.

Before he realized it he was sitting opposite of
Hermione, Ron , and Harry. The Ginny girl was no where to be seen. He was sitting next to will. Hermione was staring intensely at the both of them and Nico was almost worried that she knew.

"What school did you come from?" She asked excitedly

"We came from Olympus school of witches." Will lied they were told a few things before leaving.

Hermione opened her mouth to ask another question before Ron elbowed her. "Don't bother them to much you'll just scare them off."

She leaned back a bit and so did Nico. She was staring at him observing him and in that moment he thought she kind of reminded him of Annabeth. Will and the others engaged in conversation for the rest of the train ride.

It was miserable sitting there for that long and Nico was itching to move but he didn't. They had put on their robes at some point and then the train stopped.

Nico was thankful and he stepped out to see Thestrals. They were pulling the carriages. Will saw them too. He had seen plenty of people die and so had Nico. No one else really stopped to look at them so Nico went on his way.

The carriage ride didn't take long and they were being ushered into the school. It was huge and looked like a castle. "I bet Annabeth would love this." Will whispered to him. Nico shook his head he was sure she would to.

Nico At Hogwarts Where stories live. Discover now