Yule ball

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It was the Yule ball and Pansy had put on a green dress to match with her date. Blaise. The daughter of nemesis was thrilled when he asked her.

Normally she would go with Draco but he had insisted on her going with Blaise. The son of Aphrodite was a romantic at heart.

Her heels clicked around the Slytherin common room. She wasn't sure if Draco was even going. She hoped he did. His brother Cedric would be upset if his brother didn't go to the Yule ball.

But Pansy didn't have to wait Long Draco came down dressed in red robes. Catching her off guard. He wore gold jewelry and his hair wasn't straightened for once it layed in loose curls across his forehead. The son of Aphrodite looked beautiful.

"I'm going Pansy but only because you guys would be upset." Draco told her eying her face.

Lavender had helped her get ready. She was wearing eyeliner and light green eye shadow. Her lipstick was a more neutral color and she swore she's never looked better. Draco smiled at her.

"Don't you just look lovely Pansy."

"I could say the same to you draco. Thank you."
Pansy didn't question the Gryffindor colors. Maybe he had a date.

He seemed to read her mind and spoke "Harry asked me to go with him." He was smiling like an idiot. But she was glad. It was about time they figured there stuff out.

Pansy realized what that would mean. "You have to dance with Potter in front of the whole school. And your brother."

Draco got extremely red and looked down "I know." He was clearly embarrassed but he still looked happy.

The daughter of nemisis laughed at her best friend. And he didn't look the slightest bit mad.

"Did you do your own makeup?" He questioned

She shook her head  "Lavender helped me she got the eyeliner perfectly even."

Draco looked like he was going to stall when Pansy went to walk out. She grabbed his hand and squeezed in assurance.

"It will be ok Draco he likes you and you know it. Your a demigod son of Aphrodite so go out there and show everyone there opinions don't matter." Pansy spoke truthfully looking Draco in the eyes. He smiled at her and his eyes were glassy.

He was trying not to cry and Pansy knew it. He pulled her into a hug. Holding her tightly she struggled to breath but ignored it and hugged him back just as hard.

Then together they walked out of the room and I got in the dungeons to go find their dates.

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