The sorting

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Instead of going with the others Nico and Will were pulled aside by a tall women who said she was professor  McGonagall.

They were being sorted with the first years. They stuck out because they were taller but it wasn't that big of a deal.

When the first years were done McGonagall told everyone about Nico and Will transferring over and then Nicos name was called.

He walked up slowly clearly nervous. He breathed in and out several times as he sat on the stool. The hat was placed onto his head and he flinched slightly. The hat was a bit to big on his head and then it started to speak to him.

"Ah a son of hades I haven't sorted one of you in a long time." The hat told Nico

What do you mean? Nico thought

Well not many demigods come here anymore child of hades.

Nico tried not to freak out when the hat went searching through his memories. Bianca dying, finding out his dad was hades, Minos, Tartarus,  Him and will." At least the last one was a good memory.

"Gryffindor" the hat screamed and it was swiftly removed from his head as he started to go to the table of red and gold.

Wills sorting took some time as well and he seemed a little disturbed about the hat looking through his memories and Nico could see his blue eyes shine before the hat yelled "Slytherin" then will walked over to the green house and sat down next to a dark haired girl.

Nico tried not to think to much during the feast but he felt eyes on him and glanced up quickly and met someone's eyes. He had brown fluffy hair and a rounder face. Neville. Nico tried not to freak out after all the hat told him that he sorted other demigods before. Though Nico was quite surprised to find himself sitting across from the son of Demeter.

He smiled at him and Nico returned one. He had met the son of Demeter about two years ago. He was a nice person and stayed out of everything so Nico didn't really mind him.

We were led away after the feast to our common room the perfect informed everyone of the new password "the dove of Aphrodite"

Nico glanced over at Neville when he realized they would be sharing a room. That was good because Neville would understand his nightmares. He looked into his trunk and saw a wand about ten inches. As well as many books that had been translated into Greek so he could read them.

It was only a moment after laying down that Nico realized it would be difficult to see Will. He didn't even know if they had any classes together.

He looked over at Neville "Do Slytherin and  Gryffindor have any classes together?"

Neville spoke "yay we always have potions with them." Nico nodded and promptly flopped back down onto his new bed before falling asleep.

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