The day before halloween

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They were all sitting at there assigned tables excited about Halloween when all of the sudden when the doors flew open and in marched a group of people.

Nico found out soon after that they were from a school called Durmstrang. Then right after a group of people in blue came in from a school called Beauxbatons.

Dumbledore stood up and informed us about why they were here. They were her to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. Nico had never heard of that before but he was told that you had to be 17 to compete which meant that neither him or will could compete.

The champions would be chosen tomorrow at the feast. People were buzzing around in excitement.

Whispers were all around the hall about the champions or about the other students here. Apparently victor krum was popular amongst

Nico wasn't quite sure what quidditch was but he knew it involved flying which was a no no for a child of hades or Poseidon. Which was fine with him he wasn't a big fan of it anyway.

He had gone flying with Jason once and it was not fun. Though Nico had to admit he would rather go flying a million time rather than the Eros situation to happen again. Every one else seemed to know exactly why Krum was famous and Nico noticed a lot of people staring at a beautiful blonde lady in a blue uniform.

She looked to be glowing. Nico wasn't sure. But he didn't really care enough to ask so he just went back to eating his food in silence and staring at Will from his seat.

Nico At Hogwarts Where stories live. Discover now