Yule ball dates

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Draco was walking around the castle when he ran into Nico. He was apparently looking for some ghost. Draco tried to help but he wasn't very good at it. Who would've guessed.

Will was also trying to help though he might be even worse than Draco. They scared off every ghost in sight until Nico made them both leave.

They walked down the corridor together not really doing anything. Draco was kind of bored it was now December which meant the next task wouldn't be for a while but the Yule ball would be.

"The Yule ball!"  Draco yelled suddenly scaring Will and startling people around them.

"What?" Will asked face full of confusion.

"The Yule ball it's a dance and I totally forgot about it. You have to take Nico before someone else ask him."

"What do you mean ask him we are already dating."

"So that doesn't matter you still have to ask him."

"Ok who are you taking than?"

Draco froze he was thinking of just not going. Either that or bring Pansy but he knew she wanted to go with Blaise.

"I'm probably just not going to go." Draco admitted

"What? Why?"

"There's not really any one for me to go with." Draco shrugged while talking ignoring the strange look from Will.

"That not true why don't you just ask Harry."

Draco blushed and his face felt like it was on fire "why do you all insist that I like him. I don't."

Will didn't look convinced though his mouth was a straight line when he spoke "Annabeth said the exact same thing about Percy and now look at them."

Draco left will there by himself not even looking back at him when he did so. Draco was obviously embarrassed about the topic that they were having. Will didn't look offended when the son of Aphrodite strolled off in the middle of the conversation. He just stood there and watched him leave not saying a thing.

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