Yule ball pt.2

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Harry was nervous. He was pacing back and forth in his shared room with Ron and Neville. Not too long ago he brought up his strange feelings for the blond Slytherin.

Neville didn't look surprised instead he smiled at him and snorted.

"You should ask him to the Yule ball." He told him and Harry freaked out when he realized he would like that.

Draco was a strange person but I'm a good way. So Harry had marched over to Draco Malfoy about two days before the Yule ball and asked him to be his date.

He blushed and Harry had never seen him that red before. He opened his mouth and then closed it just as fast. Harry could feel his heart race. Why would Draco want to go with him. In the back of his head he heard the Dudley's telling him that no one would like a freak.

That was before Harry knew he was a wizard and he knew perfectly well they were talking about his skin. He looked like his father bronze skin and dark messy hair. The only trait he really shared with his mother were his green eyes.

He swallowed and was beginning to regret ever asking the boy when he was about to turn away Draco answered "yes."

Harry looked at him surprised and the Slytherin was smiling it was soft and his eyes were moving around the room looking at Harry and then back to the wall and floor.

He had looked at the marauder's map and already knew that he would be down here it was the perfect opportunity in case Draco laughed in his face. There seemed to be no one near them probably off trying to find dates like he was.

Harry could feel his face hurt from how hard he was smiling. Draco Malfoy had said yes to him when he told Ron even he looked surprised clapping him on the back and telling him it was awesome.

Harry and Ron heard Neville mumble something about lying to him but Harry didn't question it though Ron looked curious.

Now Harry and Ron were getting ready for the Yule ball. Harry wasn't much of a dancer but Draco taught him a dance that he would have to do because he was one of the champions.

Ron was going with Padma Patil Harry was glad he found a date but was a little disappointed that his friend hadn't asked hermione. When they had asked Neville who he was bringing he told them Luna Lovegood.

Harry didn't know much about the girl but was happy for Neville. They were all getting dressed.

Ron's dress robes were horrible and thankfully Neville helped him fix them they would match Padmas blue dress robes.

Harry was wearing Slytherin green because Draco had asked him. When he asked the boy what he was going to wear and he told him to wait and see.

Harry was exited and super nervous. People would be watching him and the other champions dance and Harry didn't want to break Draco's foot by stepping on it. He had tripped him several times in the learning process.

Though Draco said they wouldn't have to do too many dances if he didn't want to but he was certain Draco wanted to dance.

When all of the e boys finished getting ready they walked down to the common room.

Parvati was down there in a pink sari it was embroidered with flashing diamonds and next to her stood Lavender brown in a short pink dress.

He had over heard the confession Lavender made to Parvati and then they started dating. They were both exited to dance together and Harry couldn't blame them he was excited to dance with Draco.

The transfer student Nico was no were to be seen but Harry saw him earlier in a black tux before he ran out with  a tall Slytherin wearing a yellow button up shirt and black slacks. Harry didn't have much of a chance to see who it was.

They eventually made it to were the doors to the dance was. He saw Parkinson in a floor length green dress and next to her was Zabini in a matching green suit. Draco wasn't next to him and he was nervous until he saw curly platinum blond hair. Harry's heart stopped.

He was in Gryffindor colors and he looked beautiful. His hair was curly and his face flushed.

He smiled and Draco grabbed his hand. They all walked in together.

Harry and the champions and their dates were all called up to enter. Gasp went around when Hermione and Krum walked in and whispers and confused looks went around when him and Draco walked in.

They weren't the only same sex dates but there was more attention on them because of their reputation with each other.

They danced and Harry was so glad he didn't mess up. Draco was giggling and he couldn't help but laugh as well. He noticed a few glances from diggory the hufflepuff boy Harry was competing against and was a little confused.

Harry wasn't sure if he had an issue with them both being boys or not.

They danced till the end and Draco kissed him on the cheek "you didn't step on me once Harry." He sounded proud which caused Harry to snort.

They sat down next to Ron and Padma and her sister and Lavender joined and not to long after Draco's friends did to.

It was a mix of house members. There was Parkinson, Zabini, Luna, Neville, Solace and Nico. Harry sat next to Draco and then saw Cedric diggory and Cho Chang walk over.

Cedric looked at Harry and then at Draco before speaking "He's your date?"

Draco face didn't change from the the smile he had. Diggory didn't sound particularly nice but he didn't seem like he was trying to be mean.

"Yes Cedric I'm sure you have already met Harry Potter." It was a statement and diggory pulled out a chair for Cho before pulling one out in front of Draco.

"Do you to know each other?" It was Ron who spoke but Harry was wondering the same thing.

There seemed to be a silent conversation between the two "I would think so considering he's my little brother." Cho chocked on her drink and Harry felt his jaw drop. Almost everyone else had a surprised look on their face.

"Brother" Cho echoed clearly confused.

Draco huffed "it's a long story. Right now let's focus on the dancing." Harry would have argued but his mouth wouldn't let him it was weird. Everyone else seemed to have the same issue.

He and Draco danced a few more times though the night and Ron was sulking most of the time.

At one point Draco and Diggory danced and it was definitely fun to watch. They didn't really dance like they were suppose to and Diggory was purposely stepping on Draco and Draco was purposely kicking him in the shin.

Over all the dance was eventful and Harry enjoyed it.

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