Valentines day

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Will had been having a good time. The Yule ball was hectic. Draco's date Harry seemed head over heels for him and Weasley seemed upset the whole time.

Draco's brother Cedric admitted to everyone that Draco was his brother catching a lot of people off guard.

Nico had managed to find one of the ghost he was sent to look for right before the Yule ball. They even danced together which will was thrilled about. Nico was light on his feet and his hair flew around every time he spun. He looked beautiful.

It was currently February thirteenth the day before Valentine's Day. Will knew Nico hated Valentine's Day at first he didn't know why but he later found out about Eros and what happened.

Will wasn't going to act like it was a big day because he knew his boyfriend wouldn't want that.

So instead of doing something cheesy and asking Nico to be his valentine he acted like he did everyday. Today was also the child of Iris birthday. Luna was turning 13.

They would be celebrating her birthday. Pansy, Draco, Nico, Neville, lavender, Cedric, and even the golden trio and Blaise and Cho.

Everyone was still hung up on what Cedric said at the Yule ball but he ignored them and so did Draco.

They made it to a clearing on the school ground and a picnic blanket was set out along with lots of foods and desserts. Presents were scattered all around and Draco and Luna were sitting next to each other shoulder to shoulder. While Harry sat on Draco's other side.

They started dating and it seemed neither of them could be happier. Nico and him sat down and after everyone got there they started eating.

Luna was thrilled for her little party and everyone was getting along well. People stopped to stare at them but they were all ignored.

Draco and Luna were both wearing a matching pair of heart sunglasses and Harry seemed to think it was hilarious laughing anytime he looked at his boyfriend. With Luna and Draco sitting next to each other they looked like siblings maybe even twins.

It was moments like that when will remembered they were cousins in the mortal world.

They both had the light curly blond hair and the hazy eyes and pale skin. Not many differences between the two other than the fact Luna's eyes had some blue and Draco's were only silver.

Luna had opened her presents and looked amazed by everything. She got a very expensive bracelet from Draco a how to care for a Thestrals book from Hermione and a necklace with a bunny on it that moved from Neville.

She had lots of other presents but will had a hard time remembering them all.

It was officially Valentine's Day. Will watched as Draco ran around the room with flowers from Harry. He had left Draco red roses with a note for the definition as well as a pink peonies.

Pansy had received her favorite chocolate and a ring from Blaise who had asked her to be his valentine yesterday after Luna's party.

Will watched as the two of them bounced around and he couldn't help but laugh at their antics.

They got to the dining hall and Nico was waiting for him with Harry, Neville, Hermione and Ron. Ron and Hermione didn't look to happy but Harry did.

Draco grabbed Harry by the hand and dragged him out Ron followed as well as Neville.

They had all decided to meet up in the dining hall and then go to hogsmeade together. Luna, lavender, Parvarti, Cedric, and Cho would already be there.

Nico looked at wills and grabbed onto his arm as they walked. "Thanks for not making a huge deal about today."

Will smiled down at the slightly shorter boy "of course death boy." He heard Neville choke on a laugh but he didn't pay any more attention to them.

They made it to the three broomsticks and sat down. Cedric was on one side of Draco and Harry was on the other. Next to Cedric was cho then Hermione Luna and Neville with Ron next to Harry with Pansy on his other side and Blaise next to her. Then lavender and Parvarti where sitting next to Blaize and Padma next to Neville.

The table was full and they all barley managed to sit down. Cho didn't look to happy about spending valentines with a bunch of other people and will knew that Draco had convinced him to join. So of course he had said yes.

Everyone was chatting loudly and Hermione looked slightly jealous every time padma talked to Ron though there wasn't much she could really do.

Pavarti and lavender left first saying they had plans at a tea shop that will had never heard of them Luna and Neville left at the same time as padma.

There was a lot more space at the table and Will hadn't realized just how close everyone was. Nico was pressed against his side arms and legs touching the whole time and even after people started leaving he stayed like that.

Draco was glancing over at them and smirking.

Eventually everyone left to do their own thing and will and Nico went back to the school. Will brought Nico into the Slytherin rooms which according to Nico was a lot easier that getting into the Gryffindor house.

Nico and Will laid on the bed arms loosely wrapped around each other Wills head in Nicos hair.

It was quiet and for Will that was weird. Less drama and less injuries happened here. It was nothing like camp. Will was almost bored from not having an infirmary full of people but it was also Kinda nice just being able to cuddle with Nico without being interrupted for a broken leg or slashes from training.

It was nice just being able to cuddle with Nico.

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